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Avu changed her voice.
Avu- Aham, Who are you?
( as she saw in vampire diaries )

Sm1 turned towards her

And both screamed- YOU!!

Avu-Kalachor what are you doing here?

Sid-Oh hello its my area.( sad tone )

Avu-Who gave you this area?

Sid-Ugh! You didnt saw that day? All the people were about to kill you.

Avu-Ya whatever. What are you doing?

Sid-Stop with your nonstop bak bak  and leave me alone.

He had a mixture of pain in his tone. He turned towards the river again.

Avu noticed it. She unknowingly felt a pang in her heart seeing him like this.

Avu's pov:
Why is he sad? Why is it mattering me? Because I am a kind girl. Self obsessed. Should I help him?
End of her pov.

She unwantedly went to him and sat beside him.

Sid-You still here!

Avu-Umm, I heard when you cry you feel better. I dont know why am I feeling pity on you, but ab... you can share with me.

Sid- haha. Nice joke. You wont have to feel bad for me. You dont waste your time. Go wherever you came from and leave me alone.

Avu felt bad. She thought to leave.
Just then she heard sid fully breaking down.

She didnt thought twice and hugged him.

He hugged her even tighter and cried.
Avu tried consoling him.

She rubbed her back and caressed his hair.

*After a few minutes*

Sid realised that he was actually hugging her and he immediately broke the hug.

Sid-I am sorry Avneet.

Avu-its okay kalachor. Are you feeling better now?

Sid- A little.

He felt comfortable hugging avu.

Sid-Ab... would you mind if i cry a bit more?

He was out of his mind.

Avu nodded no with a pleasant smile.

Sid again hugged her and cried.

This time avu felt goosebumps.

But she caressed his hair to comfort him.

( imagine the moment it would be wonderful )

After few more minutes.

Sid broke the hug totally embarrased.

He again looked towards the river.

Avu's dress was a bit wet due to his crying.

Avu looked at him without blinking.

Sid felt her gaze.

Sid( in mind )- Why is she looking at me like that?


Sid looked at her.

Avu-Will you share whats wrong with you?

Sid- Why?

Avu-You will feel good.

Sid-Why are you concerened?

Avu came out from his sidland.

Avu- Ab ab.... woh I am worried for anyone whom I see is in pain.

Sid-Why would I share it to you.

Avu-Ugh! no need. I dont have any interest knowing about ur past. I just wanted to help you....

She stood up but sid held her wrist.

She felt those unknown goosebumps twice.

Sid- listen.

He pulled avu and she fell not on him but much closer to him.

Sid-Cause today is someone's birthday.


Sid took a deep breathe.

Sid-My life.

Avu-Abbe tell who is she?

Sid-My mother.

Avu- dont have your mom?

Sid-No. I highly suspect someone killed her but my chachi who absolutely hates me says that she died.

Avu-I am sorry for her.

Sid-Today is her birthday. I remember a note which I found. She said not to celebrate her death day but her birthday. She always taught me all the good things. But look at me. She was the bestest and the most loyal person on the earth. But her son is a thief. A filthy thief.

His eyes again went teary.

Avu's pov:
Idk why but I feel listening his past. Should I do? Ya! Its a part of my investogation.
End of her pov

Avu-Umm would you mind being friends?

Sid-Friendship with a thief? Who rape girls, who supplies illegal things and who steal things.

Avu-Yes friendship with that thief.


Avu looked it his eyes

Avu-Cause your eyes doesnot say you are worthy of what you are now and what you are facing.

She was out of her mind.
Sid was shocked. He never expected someone to understand him.

Sid held her hands.

Sid- You know avneet you are the first person who told something like this. Who tried dividing the pain of the world famous worst thief between her. Who offered friendship to the thief.

Avu-Kalachor dont say like this. I really dont know,  I hated u a moment ago but now I am feeling as if you are innocent and you know nothing about all the crimes.

Sid smiled.

Avu-So tell about your past?

Sid looked at her. And took a careful but closer look.

Avu-W-h-a-t's wrong?

Sid-Aaj hi saare baate kar logi?


Sid-Means if I tell everything to you today, then humare agle mulakat ke kaunsa baatein karogi?

Avu- T..tum dubara miloge?

Sid-Why not? I got my friend.

Avu stood up.

Avu-Okay then bye. My parents must be worried about me.
Also dont sit here. Go in ur home.

Sid nodded.

Avu left

Sid smiled at her dissappearing figure

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