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After some days jannat called avneet for one night stay.
Avu couldnt deny as they were very good friends.

She went to her house determining she wont fall twice for siddharth as it was her turn to move on then.

Jan- welcome avu!
Avu- Thanks.

Both said it with sarcastism.

Jan- You know I thought to make dal chawal with alo ki kheer tonight but my hand got a wound.

Avu- so what? I can also cook! But dont tell to your bf orelse he will won't eat.


Soon siddharth and faisu returned from bazaar.
Sid went to his room wondering how to start a conversation with her and request for forgiveness.

Avu thought he didnt change as he still didnt talk to her a bit.
She took a deep breathe and started continuing with her kitchen works.

Soon, at the dinner table everyone gathered.

Sid took a spoon full of food and he made a sound of gratitude.

Sid- Woah! Who made this tasttttty food? Bawli  did you join cooking classes?

Fai- ya jannat its very tasty than the other days.

Jan was happy as sid complemented but also was angry at faisu as he compared her.

Jan- avu is the one who deserve the praisings.

Faisu gulped at her death glare while Sid choked his food and jan gave him water.
Avu glared jannat while she clicked her tongue.

Avu- thanks guys.

She quickly had her dinner and went to her room which was alloted to her.

Sid mourned and went to his room after completing the dinner.
Suddenly an idea strucked his mind.

He suggested jannat that they should watch a movie together as it would be fun.

Jan wondered at his rapid change...
She called avu and made her understand.

Now there was two sides of the sofa. Fainnat sweared they would sit together giving excuses.
There was no option other than sidneet sitting and watching the movie.

Avu kept a pillow between them and leaned towards the sofa.

Sid mentally smiled a bit.
His plan was successful. He sat close to her after long and even though they denied but they had the same effect on each other just the way they used to have it.


They were watching a movie where the protagonist dies as his love didnt forgive him after they came out from a misunderstanding.

Suddenly sid noticed avu was crying when the hero shouted on the herione as he misunderstood her.
He could understand her feelings.

He badly wanted to hug her and sort out the things between them but he couldnt do it...
His eyes were moist too.

Soon the movie ended.
Sid looked at her and looked away.

Jan- Want some snacks guys?

All nodded.
Jannat took faisu to the kitchen.
Sidneet were left alone in the room.

Sid- Nak..... Avneet....

Avu looked at him.

Sid looked down.

Sid- If someone asks forgiveness to you for his deeds will you forgive him?

Avu couldnt bear it anymore.

Avu- I am going to help jannat.

Sid sat there numb.
He knew he deserved it.

Sid- I dont have any words to ask forgiveness to her again.
Maybe she is trying to move on... maybe I should leave her.

Suddenly Jannat came there.

Jan- avu left all of a sudden... what did u again say to her!

Sid looked down.

Sid- nothing.

Jan was about to leave but sid caught both her hands and broke down.

Jan hugged him.

Sid- She doesnt love me anymore.
Jan- Do you expect her to love you again after you did all these to her?

Sid- Bawli.... pls bring us one last chance.
I will ask forgiveness to her for the last time.... and that would be the extreme decision of both our lives.

Jan broke the hug.

Jan- okayh!  I will ask her for one night club....

Sid- thank you... thank you so much bawli..........

Jannat smiled.

With avneet:

Her pov:
He was behaving weird.
Did he realise his fault?
Thats not possible stop dreaming avneet!
Your and his relationship is over and thats it.
Move on.
End of her pov.

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