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At Midnight:

Avu suddenly woke from her sleep....

Avu- oh my goddd!!! How can I be so careless! I went there to tell him about the plan which I need to catch the fake kalachor and I need his help! But I got lost in my thoughts! What will happen now? We need to proceed with the plan tomorrow as I have fixed like that with aadaya mam! What can I do!!!!!
Oh wait! I have his address...maybe I should visit him...

She wore her dress and went to his home.

( if you don't remember how she got his address, then for reminder, sid told her the address when he told his name to her and she too said her name. I being a careless one don't remember the chapter name...hehe..)
Avu went to the address which sid gave her.

Avu's pov:
Which one is his house? Did he even tell the truth to me? yes he did! But how do I find his home?
Ugh Bandar!

Its midnight! I can't even ask from anyone! Umm, that house looks better than the other house... he also said that the people are mainly his house is beside slums..

Lets barge into that house.

she climbed a pipe, and barged in a room.. she saw a boy studying... she was already wearing a mask and thus she took her knife out....

She quietly went behind the boy and held the knife in his neck....

Avu- if you shout, you will be killed.

Boy- I- wo-nt s-h-o-u-t...

Avu- good! Tell in which house does Siddharth nigam live?

Boy- two house after this...pls leave me..
Avu left him.

Avu- don't tell about me to anyone....

She jumped down the pipe...

Boy- is this real? What just happened?

( Sorry Boy, dont mind her activity... you get back to your studies...😬 )

Avu went to the home as directed by the boy... she went to a room... and saw a woman with a man sleeping.. both were fat..

She mentally smacked her head and went to another room....

Avu( in mind )- Pls lord I want his room this time.... why am I going to wrong places today!

She entered from the window... and god has listened to her this time.. she was finally in her bandar's room.

Avu found sid sleeping....

She went and sat beside him..

Avu ( in mind )- Awww... he looks like a baby while cute!

She lightly pulled his cheek because of which his sleep got disturbed.

Sid opened his eyes cutely and saw avneet sitting there...
Avu also got a bit nervous thinking what he would say to her then....

Sid ( in mind )- Nakchadi? This must be a dream.... should I pinch myself? No no no.... the dream might get broken if I pinch me.... wait! I have a way to find if its a dream... I will touch her cheek and if she is really here, which has 1% chance, then she would shout a me.....
And will beat me...Nakchadi hai na woh.

Sid- Nakchadi you?

Avu was blushing getting caught and she nodded.

Sid traced his finger in her cheek.

Sid-Nowadays u are the only one who comes in my dream....

Avu blushed more. She tried changing the topic.

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