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Avu- Really? Will you belief me?
Sid- Which truth you want to say? That once upon a time you kept me happy? So thats why you can never betray me...right?

Avu- Enough! Now you crossed your limits. I tried my best to give a second chance to our relationship even when you didnt trust me, but now I am fed up! Just do one thing....forget me!
I will also try my best to forget the past and move on. Have a great life ahead.

She decided to leave but his grip on her wrist was tight.

His eyes became red in anger.

Avu- leave me mr. Siddharth Nigam. You dont have any further rights on me. Neither I have.
It would be better for both of us if we just forget each other and start a new life.

Sid couldnt bear it more.

He harshly pinned her to the wall.

Sid- Why dont you understand anything?

Avu was broken enough to answer

Sid- You broke my life! You played with it... destroyed it!
Why nakchadi?
Wasn't my love enough for you!
What was the need to break it into pieces!

Avu slapped him.
He looked at her with hatred and anger but it had love hidden in it.

Avu- Stop abusing me! I cant take it more.... I cant take it more...

Tears fell from her eyes.

Sid held her jaw harshly.

Sid- How dare you slap me? Just now you said you dont have any right on me!

Avu- You too dont have any right to abuse me! You dont have to hold me! Didnt I tell these too!

They shared an eyelock which had anger in the two pair of eyes but somewhere there was a hidden love.

Sid couldnt control him anymore.

He came closer....closer....closer....

She left his warm pair of lips in her neck.

His lips trembled which she felt. He was in his tears.
He placed a wet kiss in her neck.
He bit her harshly but lovingly sharing all the pain he suffered these months.

Her hands went to his hair.

Sid moved to her soft spot she held him tightly.

He sucked her...
She couldnt help herself but moaned.

Sid smirked

Avu- Sid...dharth..please stop.

He left her.

They looked in each others eyes which spoke a lot.
They needed each other.... they wanted each other's company.
She was blushing though they had pain in it.
The memory of the first kiss she got from sid in her neck appeared in their mind when she got a cut

A tear dropped from her eye and she pushed him and left from there.

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