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Avu was very sad for Sid's behaviour.
She kept a hope that he might be acting but today after he said, her heart broke into pieces.

She was passing through Jannat's room when she heard their voices.
She knows overhearing is a bad habit but she still did it as she heard her and siddharth's names.

Jan- you told avu?
Fai- yes babe...

Jan- She agreed?
Fai- Yup! Afterall I told her!

Jan- What do you mean!

Fai- I mean She cant deny me as I know her since long.
And she never denies her friend.

Jan- Poor she! How loyal she is but look at her fate.

Fai- Leave about her fate think of ours.

Jan- Wait wait.
Bawla and avu are not prepared yet! So taking his money and running away right now is not a plan of a master.

Avu(in mind)- Taking his money?

Fai- Got it! But I have a question
We will take siddharth's money and then will run away. But we will make avneet prepared to console him.
Then we will return and say that Avneet took his money.
Then  he will oviously belief us. Then we will again take some money from him and leave him forever.
So my question is, what will they do after we do so?

Jan- Their life... they will decide.... lets just keep focus on ours.

Fai- Love You Darling.

Jan- Love you too.

Avu ran from there.

Avu's pov:
Everything is going wrong!
Jannu is planning to take Bandar's money and run away with faisu and give the blame to me?
I thought they are good humans but...
Why god why!
Why always I have to go through betrayals!
Should I tell that bandar about this?
He wont belief. Because he loves jannat blindly and has lost his senses.
(She thought for a while)
There is only one option left.
I will have to make you fall for me again....
And then we will snach that mask which faish and jannu wears and are called as good humans.
You have hurted me a lot....
But I wont let you suffer.....
Cause I feel afraid just to imagine your condition when they will do so
End of her pov.

On the other side:

Sid's pov:
Why why why why why!
Why she again came in my life!
Why we talked today!
Why is she staying here!
Why do I feel she is innocent!
Why am I unable to move on from her!
The next day after avneet returned doing her invastigations.

Jan- Hey avu whatsup!
Avu- All good!

Jan- How is your investigation going?
Sid- Bawli tell her how is her way of trapping another guy going?

Avu- jannu, tell your boyfriend that its going good. And the new guy is also handsome, but not more than faisu!

She went to her room.

Jan was jealous as she loves faisu not sid whereas sid was shocked as he didnt expect this kind of reply from her.

Skip to the evening!

Fainnat and Sidneet were sitting all in four: Avu-Jaan-Sid-Fai

Avu- How was your day faisu?

Fai- Awesome avneet! What about you?

Avu- Same here.

Here jannat was getting a bit jealous.

Fai- Can we go to a caffe now? It has been a long!

Jan was jelaous so she denied. Sid too denied.

Avu- I am free.

Fai- Okay then we will go. So why to wait get ready

Avu- Okais!

She got ready and she left with faisu.

Jannat was burning in jealousy while sid continued with his office work.

(Well to say here, Sid-fai-jan began a company but sid is the boss as he understands the subject better.Now if u say how he can manage when he didnt go to college?
Well I never said he is illiterate.
He updated himself with education.)

Sid- Why she is clinging to faisu now?
What she wants from him?
Does she want money?
Is she not such cheap!
Or maybe she is.
Maybe I was in love with her so I thought she is good but maybe this is her real nature.
I should focus on my career huh.

While on the other hand, faineet enjoyed a lot.
They returned laughing and talking.

Jan- How about if we go to amusement park tomorrow?
Sid- You are always amazing bawli...

Avu- but...
Fai- I dont have any problem

Avu- hush! What will I do in the home alone? I will also join you guys!

Sid(in mind)- She agreed because faisu agreed. Is she falling for faisu now?

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