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Sid-Well, its very complicated. You dont have to know it. Just know, I am very bad. Thats it. If u agree to take the responsibility of my slum, I am ready to go to the jail.

Avu-No. I wont take u to jail! Because I am getting a feeling that you are good.

Sid-Keep ur feelings with u.

Avu-And keep ur nonsense with you. Answer my question. Why do u rape girls?

Sid-Why will I tell u?

Avu-Because I am your friend.

Sid-Well give me something.

Avu-Not again with your drama. Tell what u want.

Sid-Idk. Give me anything.

Avu-Ughhhh! Okay I will hug u twice.

Sid-Thats not accepted.

Avu-Just telll!

Sid-Well, umm.... Yes. You will have to meet me thrice a week.

Avu-Thrice a week!

Sid-Yes. Any problem?

Avu-No problem. Now tell me.

Sid-What if u split everything out? What if u break my trust and tell everyone that I am kalachor and u dont take the responsibility of my slum instead lock me in prison?

Avu-I wont.

Sid- How may I trust u?

Avu-The Avneet K...... Never lies.

Sid- How may I get sure?

Avu- I love animals the most. So I swear on them.

Sid- Poor creatures.

Avu- What!

Sid-well. I am trusting u. Idk why
What is ur full name?

Avu-I wont tell until..


Avu-you tell me ur name.

Sid-Okay I will tell you. But if u break my trust, I will never think twice to harm u.

Avu- Sure.

Sid-I am Siddharth Nigam.

Avu-I am Avneet Kaur.

Sid- Miss. Nakchadi Kaur.

Avu-Mastar. Bandar Nigam.

Sid-You called me bandar?

Avu-You called me nakchadi.

Sid-Okay fine. Listen. I dont rape girls. There is a secret organisation who does all these and then gives my name, that the The raping is done by me. I have heard that they wears black dress and addresses them as kalachor and the girls then tell I am the rapist.

Avu- Why dont u try to find it that who are behind these?

Sid-For these I need a partner. So that I dont get caught.

Avu-I will help u out

She looked at him and he looked back. They shared a cute eyelock where their eyes confessed their suppressed feelings but their heart couldnt understand the language of those orbs.

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