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Avneet reached her home and saw Raghav Sitting in their couch.

She was dumstrucked.

Raghav looked irritated and was having a fake smile.

Amandeep was talking to him.

Avu- Raghav, what are you doing here?

Aman- I called him here. I had a few business talk.

Avu-Ok you continue. I am having some work.

Ragh- Avneet You still didnt tell me that you actually what by profession.

Avu- i will tell when I am comfortable. Bye.

She left.

Raghav's pov:
Ugh I was also having some work. And see This Amandeep called me. I cant ignore too🤬.. But i should be in my bedroom now with.....
End of his pov.

His chain of thoughts were broken as Amandeep said something .

Aman- You want to know what she is by profession?

Ragh- Yeah.. I mean...

Aman- You have all the rights beta. Afterall you are our future son-in-law

[ ME AND READERS: Son-in-law my foot. Only siddharth nigam has the position. ]

Ragh- Uncle....( fake blush )

Aman- she is....


Urmee was locked in the room.
She wanted water badly but no one was there...
And she didnt had the gut to call anyone.

Suddenly she heard the door opening.

And the thing which shocked her seeing the person is......

(Guess the person and honestly and tell in the comments)

Urmee- R..rahul?

Rahul- Yeh babe.

Urmee- What are you doing here?

Rahul- I am here to save you.

( Rahul is Urmee's bf in real life. )

Urmee- How did you kn.....

Rahul- You can question me later, but for now we need to escape.

Urmee- W-a-t-e-r....

Rahul brought water from somewhere and gave it to urmee.

Then he brought a big box.

Rahul- Enter in it.

Urmee did as he said.

Rahul picked the box and acted as if he was going to deliver it actually he was saving urmee. With Rahul And Urmee.

Rahul took her in his home and called the doctor.
He examined her, and told that she needs some rest.

Urmee slept.

Skip to the next day.

Urmee woke uo and found rahul sleeping taking her hand in his.

Urmee recalled last night's memories

Soon rahul too woke up.

Urmee- Good Morning.
Rahul- Good Morning. How are you?
Urmee- fine but first answer my questions.
Rahul- As you say. But please dont misunderstand me.
Urmee held his hand.

Urmee- I wont. Now tell how you reached there and why didnt anyone stop you?

Rahul took a deep breathe.


Urmee's eyes popped out of the socket.

Urmee- b..but you t..told me..

Rahul- before telling anything, listen to me.

Urmee nodded.

Rahul- So I work under him since 3 months.

He told me that if I didnt work under him he will snach you from me. He had his eyes on you since long.
I was also looking for a job as you know.
And i was kinda forced to work under him.
As I am working nicely, he made his his 3rd pa.
And thats why no one stopped me.

Urmee- Wont they tell that you took me?

Rahul- I have already mixed sleeping pills in their glass of juice which they had, and Have also switched the camera off.

Urmee hugged him.

Urmee- Thank You

Rahul- but how did u reach there?

Urmee then told him about her being a secret police.

And then the emotional moment came.

Lets not disturb them.

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