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Avu was about to leave when someone blocked her way.

Sm1- Yes.

Avu-Kalachor what are u doing here?

( So yes. Your guessed were right. )

Sid- Yes Miss. Majesty. May I know who is that guy?


Sid- Because I am asking.

Avu-Who are u to whom I should reply?

Sid- Your friend.

Avu- I dont have time to waste. So just move from my way!

Sid-Until u reply me I wont. I saw the same guy with you that day in beach. Who is he!

Avu-My friend. Now leave!

Sid- This girl! I also know he is your friend. What I meant is tell his name.

Avu- Are u leaving or not! 🤨

Sid-No first tell me!

They continued argueing when sid heard some noise.

And in a moment he dragged avneet and they hid behind a bush.

Avu- What the...

Sid kept his hand in her mouth.

Sid-Shut up...

He took few glances outside and again hid.

Avu tried speaking but his hand was in tightly placed in her mouth.

Sid( whisper )- Dont talk. There are police outside. I am in my black dress and they will recognise me. And you will also get caught.

The police gang started finding kalachor.

Sid thought the place they were hiding was not safe.
Sid dragged avu and they hid behind tree.
Sid opened his upper shawl and his shirt. He kept his bags there.

Sid-Avneet, They can catch us. You act as if I am your boyfriend. Okay?

But avneet was lost in him as he was shirtless.

Sid shook avneet.

Avu-Y-es..... but wait.. why should i hide?

Sid-for me. You will have to save your friend.

Sid held her hand and they started walking.

Police1-Hey! Who are you?

Police2-have you seen kalachor?

Avu-No. We were just walking.

One of the police looked at avneet with nasty eyes.

Sid noticed it.

Sid-oh hello, she is my gf. She is taken.

The police tried finding kalachor and at the end they gave up and left.

Sid-phew! They left.


Sid- Now tell me who was that guy?

Avu-I wont.

Sid moved towards her.

Avu-  d-ont dis-turb m-me.

Sid smirked seeing his effect on her.

He took steps towards her.


She took backsteps.


Avu-Dont disturb me! Go away!

Suddenly she felt a hard surface behind her.
It was a coconut tree.

Sid smirked wider and caged her between him and the tree.

Avu gasped.

Sid-Tell his name.

Avu-i said

Sid moved closer towards her lips.

Avu-His name is Raghav Sharma.. Now pls...

Sid laughed seeing her situation.

He freed her.

But he leaned and whispered in his husky voice
Sid- You look beautiful sweetheart.

Avu-Sweetheart? Dont you dare to flirt with me! So cheesy name!

Sid-Thats kinda true. Sweetheart does not suits u. Umm, YA! RABBIT. Thats what suits u. Orelse jungli billi.. or maybe a nakchadi😂


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