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Jan- So the rules are we will have to ask questions indivitually. Lets begin with Avu.

Avu- Why me!

Fai- Truth or dare?

Avu- ugh truth!

Fai- Your first love?

Avu looked down.

Avu- Food.

Jan- something you hate?

Avu- When someone do not trust.

Now it was time for sid.
They would talk after months.

Sid-What according to you is trust?

Avu- Humans with a heart will understand that.
Its not a thing of heartless people.

Sid- This line is said by innocent people. Not by those who betrays people.

Avu- What on the earth do you mean!
I betrayed you!

Sid- I never said that. You yourself considered you to be.

Avu- Tell me what i did which made you thought I betrayed you!

Sid- Achha?
Seems like you have memory issues.
Do you remember your name?

Avu- You are getting on my nerves now! Sidha sidha jawab do!

Sid- Did you forget lieing about your identity!
Did u forget you pretended like loving someone and then you betrayed him! You are one of those girls who plays with the feelings of boys.

Avu- ENOUGH! how many times i tried to talk to you! To sort the things with you!
To show you the reality!
Oh wow! Seems you instead have a memory issue.
And dont dare to speak a word against me!

Sid- oh I see.
Orelse you will put me in jail. Right?

Avu- Just dont speak about something you dont know! You dont know the truth! You dont know...

Sid- For me, what I saw with my own eyes, what I heard with my own ears and what I felt is the TRUTH AND REALITY!
Sorry Miss. Kaur I cant trust you over me.
Once I did so, but Past is past!

Avu- Jannat, sorry but I cant stay a moment more in this house, where the people thinks they are the best, do not trust someone and stops to know the reality by their choice!

Sid- Now stop fake accusing us.

Jan- SHUT UP YOU BOTH! Avu you sill stay here only! Orelse I will attempt...

Avu- shhh! Dont repeat that word jannu.

Avu- Ok fine! But I am not playing this game anymore.

She went to her room. Sid went to his.

The atmosphere of the house became as if there was a war.
The next days they had fun, but somewhere there was pain in their happiness.

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