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Sid dragged avu with him.

Avu- What the hell! He hugged you and you dragged me here? Are u out of your mind or something like that? He was my friend na?

Sid- Friend Friend. Bastard friend.

Avu-Shut up kalachor! You dont have the right to call him bastard.

Sid- Why? My mouth my wish.

Avu held his coller.

Avu- Today you are gone!

Sid- But the truth is truth! Stay careful and safe from him😤

Avu- Its useless to fight with you.

She left his coller in anger.

Avu-I am going bye.

She was about to leave but sid held her wrist.

Sid- I am sorry. Please stay for some more time.

Avu melted but showed fake irriation.


Sid-Leave your drama. From the next day we will not meet in that riverside.
We will meet in this park.

Avu-Ugh fine!

Sid sighed.

Sid- Umm, Avneet..


Sid- You know I feel very nice when I am with you. You are my first friend who judged me not kalachor. Thank You.

Saying this he suddenly hugged her.

Avu hugged him back getting lil shocked.

Sid realising, broke the hug.

Sid-Woh um....

Avu-its okay...

Sid- Thank you.

Avu-Mention not. But now we need to find about the rapist. So I need to contact that girl first. And hence I should leave now.

Sid-Uh.. Okay.

Avu-Bye bye.


He saw her disappearing figure and went to his home smiling.

He went to his home and sat in his bed locking his door.

Sid's pov:
Hmm, alongwith finding who is the actuall rapist and drug diller and the one who gives my name, I need to find about that
Raghav ke bachha.
How dare he say she is his🤨
Wait a minute, why am I getting worried.
Ab ab... cause she is my friend. And I am a true and loyal friend.
Do nakchadi has her feeling for that bastard? She was saying that why I dragged her. He is was friend.
Friend my foot.
Things I need to find other than the drag dealer+rapist:

• Do Nakchadi like someone.
• Who is Raghav
• Whar does he want from her
End of his pov.

On the other hand, with avu.

Avu went to Adaaya's cabin.


Ada-Come in avneet.

Avu entered.

Avu-Mam, may I get the number of the girl who was raped? This will help me in my work.

Ada- I dont know much about her, But I have her phone number.

Avu- Can you share mam?

Ada- But she called in our telephone so we need to contact the call center to get her number.

Avu-Okay mam. I will do the necessary. Thank You very much.

Ada-No need.

Avu went out of the cabin, and visited the call center.

And after a lot of struggle, she got the girl's phone number.

Avu- Yess! I finally found her number. Now it will help me out.

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