ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ: ɴᴇᴡ ʙᴇɢɪɴɴɪɴɢ

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"Get the hell up Voni! I told you that this wasn't going to get out of hand and you done it again! Your school called me and told me about you missing yet another day of school!" Mr. Park yelled at avoni as she threw the blanket over her head.

"I didn't feel like going to school, it's nothing but a waste of my time and a hell house that teaches us nothing but shit we 9 times out of 10, won't use when we get older" avoni groaned before her father pulled the covers off her face.

He palmed his face "you and I both know that your grandmother nor your mother would have-"

Avoni sat up "let me stop you right there, you will not talk about my mom! I don't want to hear any of that bullshit trailing in your mouth, I don't talk about your fairy dust ass mother. I don't even know the bitch" avoni got up from her bed and stormed out the room and into the bathroom.

"You're a real piece of work aren't you voni" mr.park follow her until she shut the door in his face "you're going with your sister in Mystic falls, Virginia" mr. Park assured

There was a loud thud made from the inside of the bathroom "hell no, I don't want to go to some rich proper school, I can just go stay with my uncle logan." The brunette opened up the medicine cabinet to get her tooth brush.

"No way, plus it will be a good time for you to go out and get some exercise" mr.park pointed out

The girl scoffed before pulling out the tooth paste "what about you? The only exercise you get is from shaking your head 'No' to every fucking thing I ask"

Mr.park started to grow angry "watch your mouth young lady!" He warned

"Or what? You gonna give me an old fashion slap on the hand? Or are you going to take my little tablet away so I can't watch Mickey Mouse? Oh bummer daddy-o, I'm sorry but you're a bit too late on the grounding trends, you missed that part of my life" avoni rolled her eyes as she applied the tooth paste onto the tooth brush


Avoni starts the clap with the tooth brush in her mouth "father of the year" she chuckles "FATHER OF THE FUCKING YEAR"


Penelope walks up to Josie "hey jojo, so what's this year going to be? We getting back together or.."

The brunette scoffed "why would I get back together with you? You broke up with me.. remember?" She pouted

The park's girl just smiled "I was doing it for your own cost, to protect you" Penelope assured

Sooner than later a blonde walked up to them and she rolled her eyes "beat it satan, I have to talk with my sister" the blonde shoo'd Penelope away

Penelope looked over at Josie and raised her eyebrow "do you want me to leave?" Penelope asked as she tilted her head.

The tall blonde looked over at her sister in confusion as she waited for Josie to answer "leave Penelope, I have nothing to say to you" Josie muttered

Penelope nodded her head "very well then" Penelope bites her tongue before walking off

"That hairy gargoyle doesn't know when to leave people alone, talk about stalker" the girl rolled her eyes

"What's up Lizzie? What did you want?" Josie asked clearly trying to change the conversation.

Lizzie rolled her eyes before pulling Josie in the direction of her fathers office "daddy said we had to do tour guides and I just think that maybe we should get a little head start on getting the information about them, I know one of them is hot and I call dibs on him" Lizzie winked before opening up the office door.

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