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Hope rushed around the room, she was a little bit mad, not fully at the girls because she knew that Josie said it was a "drunk" thing but she didn't like the thought of it. The auburn haired girl played it cool and acted as if everything was fine but in reality it wasn't she knew it wasn't.

There was a knock at the door and Hope opened it "what do you want?" Hope asked

Landon walked in and shut the door "what the hell is your problem? I honestly don't like you with Josie nor do I like you with avoni but you are in here while avoni is crying her ass off at the old mill! You need to be a good girlfriend or friend or whatever the hell you are to them both and be there for her!" Landon demanded

Hope scoffed "how do you know about this and I don't?" Hope asked

Landon raised his eyebrow "you don't know? The whole school is talking about it" Landon admits.

"Talking about what?" Hope asked

"Talking about the fact that Michael died and avoni had this whole outburst, and he left a note and stuff, for a lot of people, he even left a note for you" Landon says before he gave her a note.

Hope threw the note onto the bed before she ran out to the old mill. She couldn't believe that she was stressing over the dumbest shit while avoni was going through it the most.

When she got to the old mill she hurried up and ran by avoni side. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry that I wasn't here" Hope says as she stroked Avoni's hair.

Avoni shook her head as she wiped the tears out of her face. "There's no need to be sorry, it's fine, I'll get over it" avoni pushed both Josie and Hope away before she ran off and into the school.

Josie and Hope exchanged looks before they ran off after the girl. "Do you think she will be okay?" Josie asked

Hope shook her head "I'm still handling my parents death, I doubt she would be okay any time soon, but we'll be there for her, as her friends" Hope nodded her head as they walked up to the door.

Josie opened her mouth to say something but then she realized it was best not to say it right then and there. The auburnette knocked at the door and avoni didn't answer. "Open the door voni, we're your friends and we want to help you" Hope expressed.

Josie put her hand on hopes shoulder "we need to give her space Hope, we let her come to us when she's ready" Josie says

Hope nodded "you're right, what should we do in the mean time?" Hope asked

Josie took hopes hand and dragged her back to her room.


"You have to talk to them av, you can't push them away like you did everyone when your grandma died" delilah pointed out.

Avoni shook her head "I'm not pushing them away, I just need some space, if they give me space then I would be alright, it's better I deal with it alone then trying to adapt into new things"

Delilah gave avoni that look "okay listen, how about we talk about anything else and I'll think about talking with Hope and Josie about my feelings"

Delilah smiled and nodded "well, there's not much to talk about.. we can talk about me and maya" delilah blushed a bit.

Avoni crossed her legs and grew excited "you and maya? What's going on with that?" Avoni asked

Delilah blushed some more "we're dating now, she's really sweet and different from all the others ever had a thing for, and I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes!" Delilah says happily.

Avoni squealed with her "Thats amazing" avoni bit her lip "me and Josie... we're dating" avoni admits as she bit her bottom lip.

Delilah gasped as Lizzie bursted into the door "you whores are dating and you didn't tell me? I'm surprised that I didn't find out sooner!" Lizzie groaned as she walked into the room.

"What are you doing here Lizzie? I said no one is allowed in here" avoni rolled her eyes

"I'm not a no one and I was sent here because my sister and midget number 2, is worrying about you, you can push them away but I will not allow you to push me away, because I'm your bestfriend" Lizzie crossed her arms

Delilah gasped "get in line blondey, I'm her number one best friend"

Lizzie smiled at delilah before turning to face avoni "like I said, as your best friend you shouldn't push me away, and you aren't going to push away the girls.. you know you love them" Lizzie says as she sung the 'love' part.

"I love them, that's true and I'm not going to push them away.. I just lost my uncle.. can't a girl get a break?" Avoni asked

Lizzie shook her head "no, you can't get a break because if we let you then you will just grow depressed, you're already gay, wouldn't want to deal with another problem." Lizzie rolled her eyes.

Hope then walked into the room as well as Josie. "We're here for you.. even though we had to call in her help for you to talk to us" Hope pouts.

Avoni rolled off her bed and crossed her arms "delilah and Lizzie, can you leave while I talk to these two?" Avoni asked with her eyes still puffy.

"Sure, just don't fuck, dads going to come looking for Josie soon and you wouldn't want to get caught again" Lizzie says before she grabbed Delilah's arm and pulled her out of the room.

"Hello you two, seems like you don't respect my wishes" avoni pointed out as both Hope and Josie could practically see the flames popping out of her ears.

Josie stepped up and took Avoni's hands "We love you avoni, I love you, so whatever you go through.. we go through together" Josie searched Avoni's eyes.

"We'll always be here for you avoni" Hope pointed out.

Avoni nodded "well, if you want to be there for me.. take my mind off of it will you?" Avoni asked

"We can start by telling Hope about us" Josie says before she turned to face the auburn haired girl.

"Tell me what?" Hope asked as she crossed her arms.

"We wanted to tell you that-" avoni cut Josie off when she took hopes hand as well as Josie's.

"Be our girlfriend.. me and Josie already sealed the deal and I know that you say that you aren't ready to settle down but I know you and if you want to take your time with us then me and Josie would be more than happy to wait for you" avoni searched hopes eyes.

"So.. what do you say? Will you be our girlfriend?" Josie asked.

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