ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴇʟᴇᴠᴇɴ: ᴀ ʟᴏɴɢ ᴡᴀʏ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ʜᴏᴍᴇ

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A week has passed now and they finally was back dealing with the whole Logan and monster shit. Avoni thought it was pathetic and she knew she wasn't clicking all the dots and that's why she was leaving.

She was leaving but not everyone knew, actually, the only person who knew was Mg and Delilah. The young witch finally agreed to the whole dating Mg thing even if Hope and Josie was against it.

Both girls had no room to talk when they were with someone else, so who was them to stop avoni from being happy with someone while she had to watch them be happy with someone else.

Today made day 10 of Hope nor avoni talking to each other about the kiss. They talked to each other about everything else besides the kiss and that's what ticked avoni off, but she was a new person now.. she was a committed and faithful person so she knew she couldn't think about Hope or Josie while she was now with mg.

"Stay safe, ava" Delilah says as she gave avoni her suit case.

"I'm only going to be gone for 3 days, this is a heavy suit case than it needs to be" Avoni pointed out.

Penelope walked into the room and raised her eyebrow but said nothing of this.

"You'll need everything I have in here for you" Delilah says before took avoni and the suit case out of the room.

Lizzie then walked up to the pair "hey D. Hey avoni, I was sent here by your girlfriends to come and get you" Lizzie admits

Avoni eyes widen "my what?" She asked as Lizzie rolled her eyes.

"Listen I don't know what you three homos have going on but the gay is showing, and if you're trying to hide it by dating Mg... you're not doing a good job.. cause girl the closet door is see through.. in fact it's glass" Lizzie crossed her arms

Delilah snorted as avoni rolled her eyes and turned to Lizzie "i never said I wasn't gay, I just don't appreciate you calling your sister and Hope my girlfriends while I'm a taken women" Avoni assured

Lizzie rolled her eyes a bit before she roamed her fingers through her hair. "Can you take your gay ass to my room and see what they have to say.. im tired of playing messenger" Lizzie then turned around and walked off.

"Hey Lizzie!" Landon waved to the girl.

"Snob" Lizzie rolled her eyes before she kept walking. Landon frowned because he didn't know why the girl was so mean to him.

Landon then looked over at avoni and walked up to her "you're avoni right?" Landon asked

Avoni nodded "yeah, and you're Landon.. how may I help you?" Avoni asked

"Well I was talking with mg and he had told me that you are his girlfriend, I didn't take you as the straight type" Landon admits

Avoni was taken back at his words. Sure she knew she looked gay and she knew she was gay.. bi-sexual.. to be exact. She didn't know why that would matter or even be a starter of a conversation.

"I didn't take you as useful..oh wait... birds aren't much of a help," Delilah defended avoni.

Avoni shook her head "it's fine, he didn't mean any harm in his words, what can I do for you landon?" Avoni asked

Landon smiled "I was wondering if we can be friends, I mean once you and Mg relationship fail I can teach you the basics for getting into another relationship." Landon winked

Avoni then grew pissed off. He was talking as if he was the best there was in town "I don't need your help, because right before I got with mg I was with a pretty girl.. two to be exact.. maybe not in a relationship with them but I did have them. One of them you may now very well, I even had her up on a counter in the kitchen or did she have me?.. her lips were so soft I could hardly remember anything but our position" Avoni smirked

Landon raised his eyebrow because he was confused in why avoni was telling him this.

Avoni didn't want to snitch on Hope and so she didn't, that was only really because Josie and Hope ran up her.

"Hey baby" Hope smiled as she kissed Landon's cheek.

"Hey hope, you're friend here was just randomly bragging to me about almost doing some girl on the kitchen counter.. can you believe this? Who would want to do her?" Landon chuckled a bit.

Hope eyes widen before she heard this. She glared at the younger girl as Josie looked at both girls confused. "What else did she say?" Hope asked as she kept her eyes on the tall girl.

"Nothing.. I think I should go" Avoni says before she took the suitcase with her.

Hope and Josie exchanged looks before looking at Delilah. Delilah rolled her eyes because she knew they were about to bully her into telling them where avoni was going.


"Hey, avoni, you're a long way from home"

Avoni turned around and smiled before she ran and hugged her grandma. "Hey grandma, I came all the way from Virginia." Avoni admits.

"Does your father know you're down here?" She asked

Avoni shook her head "I couldn't tell him, because I came here to find answers" Avoni admits.

"Well what is it that you need to find out sweetheart?" Her grandmother asked

Avoni took out a blue necklace and handed it to her grandma "Here Mimi, I think it has something to do with my other grandmother.. do you know a Katherine?" Avoni asked as her grandma eyes widen.

"How do you know about her?" Mimi asked

"Don't worry about it grandma, I just need you to tell me more about my grandma and my mother, Meredith." Avoni says

They both heard branches tig and snap. Avoni got up and her grandma ran inside, yet Avoni didn't. "Come on avoni!" Her grandma whispered yelled.

Soon a wolf popped out. It looked hungry. Avoni eyes widen. Josie popped out of no where and tackled avoni down.

Hope started to fight the wolf as Josie dragged avoni into the house. "Stay here" Josie says before she walked back out of the house.

"You can put the fire out?" Josie asked as Hope nodded. "Incendia" Josie muttered

Soon the wolf ran off and Hope turned back over to Josie. She ran over to the girl and cupped her face. "Are you okay, did you get any splinters?" Hope searched all over Josie's face.

Josie pouted "I'm fine.." Josie says before she took hopes hand. "We should check on avoni.. don't be too hard on her" Josie frowned

"But she left without anyone here to protect her, I should kill her myself" Hope threatened

"I'm sorry" Avoni drew the girls eyes over to hers on the porch "I just wanted to know more about my family" Avoni admits.

Hope smiled sadly "and that's why I have something for you.." Hope handed avoni a bracelet.

"It belonged to mason Lockwood.. your grandfather" Josie cleared up everything.

ᴇᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 11✔︎

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