ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜɪʀᴛᴇᴇɴ: ᴍᴇssʏ ᴅᴀʏs

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Avoni walked into her 3rd period of class and she actually happy to be there. "Hey avs, how are you this morning?" Avoni smirked

"I'm fine Milton, how did you sleep?" Avoni asked as she nudged the boy.

He smiled as they sat at the table "I slept great. I was thinking maybe we could go out to the movies tonight, we haven't really been spending a lot of time together and it's time we put a stop to that and spend more time together." Mg says as avoni sat down.

Avoni nodded and turned over to fave Hope who sat right behind her. "What are you doing tonight?" Avoni asked

Hope raised her eyebrow "me and Landon are watching a movie marathon in his room, I promised him that we would spend time together, what about you?" Hope asked

Avoni smirked "lover boy here wants to take me out on a date to the movies"

Hope smirked "well have fun," Hope says as she tried her best to act like it didn't bother her.

"Okay class, we are going to be taking a break from reading and maybe a little writing" the teacher announced as the class groaned.


Josie ran up and jumped onto Avoni's back as the two girls giggled. "You're very light, saltzman" Avoni teased

Josie rolled her eyes before jumping down "hello to you too avoni, what do you plan on doing for the day?" Josie asked

"Well I have a to-do list.. and you and Hope name is at the top of the list" Avoni smirked

Josie rolled her eyes "I'm serious avoni"

"Who said I wasn't?" Avoni asked with a grin.

Hope still hasn't told the girls about what they had done last night and she wasn't going to tell them. Avoni and Josie didn't ask anyways, so it was nothing to be told.

"Okay fine, I'm going out with mg tonight, why?" Avoni asked

"Well, I was thinking that me you and Hope could have a movie night tonight, but forget about it.. have you heard anything about last night?" Josie asked

Avoni raised her eyebrow "what about last night?"

As Josie talked Avoni wondered off and started to think about what it feels like to have her tongue tracing Josie's collarbone, all she could do was stare at the older girls lips.

"Avoni!" Josie said trying to get the witches attention "AVONI MEREDITH-"

Avoni grabbed Josie and glared at her "don't ever use my middle name Josette!" Avoni warned

Josie smirked "whatever. I think tomorrow we should talk about what happened last night, I don't remember anything and hopes being weird which meant something happened"

Avoni nodded before she left off to get ready for her date with mg.


The next day, avoni woke up with mg next to her. She was actually getting use to the whole having a boyfriend thing, and if she was being honest with herself she felt as if she was spending more time with mg, her feelings for the two girls were going away. A little.

This made avoni happy, she was happy that she was getting rid of her feelings for her two best friends. It was better to get rid of them then to have them.

"Morning beautiful" Mg whisper before kissing Avoni's forehead.

"Morning Milton, I'm going to go get ready for class, are you going to meet me there or..?" Avoni asked

Mg shook his head "I'm skipping out on that whole thing" Mg assured before he got up from the bed and threw his shirt on.

Of course last night they didn't do anything besides lay down.. because if avoni was being honest.. she never had sex with a guy and she didn't want Milton to be her first, not yet anyways.


Hope woke you by herself, last night Landon had watched a movie with her and then he went back to his room. Hope wasn't a fan of Landon sleeping with her or even laying in her bed.

When the girl woke up she did her morning routine before she made her way to class.

"I need you to tell me why we have a grown man in our infirmary closet?" Alaric asked as he walked up to the tribrid.

"Damn, you don't check your school, I'm sure he's mold by now.. avoni put him in a sleeping spell" Hope assured as she continued to make her way to class.

"You and avoni are both in trouble, and you will have detention for a week, I have to deal with this stuff, and there's no way I'm going to let this slide, so have a good day in class" Alaric says before walking off.

Hope rolled her eyes and finished her way to her first class.

"He caught us, he knows what we did with Logan and we are in trouble" Hope says before she walked over and sat next to avoni.

Josie and Lizzie walked in and sat right behind them. "Hello Vinny, hello hopey" Josie blushed as she took out her book.

"Hey whore 1, hey whore 2." Lizzie waved at the two girls sat in front of her before she took out her makeup kit.

"Hello love, hello Josie's sister" Hope glared at lizzie.

"Hello liz, hey jos" Avoni smirked before she took out her English book.

Josie leaned up to whisper to the girls and smiled "you two look stress, what's the matter?" Josie asked

"Your dad knows what we did to Logan and he's going to make me and avoni go to detention" Hope admits

"He what?" Josie asked as she got up from her chair.

Penelope then walked in and walked to Josie's table "hey baby, good morning" Penelope kissed Josie as both avoni and Hope fake gaged. Penelope turned over to Lizzie "still trying to fit in your baby clothes.. you should go for something bigger than that tight shirt" Penelope smirked at Lizzie.

Lizzie frowned but before Josie or her could say something avoni spoke up "you're being disrespectful, you have no right to talk to Lizzie like that" Avoni says

"Yeah whatever, you idiots are slow" Penelope says before she sat down.

The teacher than walked in and avoni got a text from her dad.

Avoni heart dropped.

ᴇᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 13✔︎

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