ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜɪʀᴛʏ-ɴɪɴᴇ: ᴍɪᴋᴀᴇʟsᴏɴ ᴄᴀʙɪɴ ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏɴᴇ

888 29 10

They all arrived at the mikaelson cabin and Lizzie was the first one to run inside and examine everything. The blonde loved everything about the house and if she was being honest she hadn't seen anything like it before. She knew Hope was rich but never this rich.

"Wow mikaelson, I'm impressed" Jed says before he walked into the cabin with his things.

Avoni and Josie was stunned. Although avoni expected a big place like this she was still surprised at what she got. She didn't really see hope as this loaded.

"How many bedrooms?" Josie asked in a whisper as she looked over at avoni. Avoni shrugged.

Avoni didn't know how many bedrooms there were and she didn't know why Josie was asking her. Avoni looked over at Hope. "How many bedrooms are in here?" Avoni asked as she picked up her bag.

Hope raised her eyebrow "there's 4, I was thinking that Lizzie and mg could share a room seeing as the predicament they are in and then Jed gets his own room, and delilah gets hers that leaves my two very own girlfriends that could share with me" Hope pointed out.

Josie crossed her arms "guess I'm sleeping on the couch." She says before walking in the cabin.

Avoni and Hope exchanged looks and raised their eyebrows at each other "what's going on with her?" Hope asked

Avoni started to walk up to the mikaelson cabin. "As a girl that knows both my girlfriends very well, I would think she's mad at you for something because she was talking to me yet she didn't say anything to you. Goodluck because I'm not getting in the middle of none of this" avoni says before she continued to walk into the cabin.

Hope was left confused, she didn't know what she did to Josie that made the siphoner to be mad at her but she was going to find out. She didn't like when either of her girlfriends were mad at her.


Josie was being really serious about the whole not sleeping in the same room with either avoni or Hope thing. She wasn't mad at avoni, maybe at Hope but not at avoni. It wasn't much of a big deal but Josie had to prove a point.

Mg and Lizzie had their own thing going on so they wanted their room strictly to themselves, they didn't want to share the room with Josie and Josie knew this and that's more of the reason she didn't ask.

Besides, how would Josie look asking her sister if she could share a room with her sister and her sister's boyfriend.

Josie did ask Lizzie if she could put her suitcase in there room though, because she didn't want to just leave her stuff out in the open. Lizzie agreed but not before giving Josie a hard time.

"You got any dildos in there that I need to worry about?" Lizzie asked

Josie's eyes widen "what?" She asked

Lizzie rolled her eyes "you know, dildos, butt plugs, or my personal favorite.. vibrators." Lizzie smirked

Josie glared at her sister and crossed her arms, "and why in fucks name would I tell you if I did have those? Which I don't!" Josie assured as Lizzie just gave her a smug look not really believing her.

Lizzie nodded "don't worry, I have a few of my own, I wouldn't need it anyways" Lizzie assured

"So if you didn't have any then you would have used mine?—which I don't have—that's honestly disgusting." Josie scoffed

"I would never do that.. do you know how unsanitary that is? I don't know where that pot hole has been" Lizzie scrunched her nose as Josie slapped her on the back of her head.

"Touch me again and I will punch the shit out of both Hope and avoni" Lizzie swore.

Josie chewed on her bottom lip "why would you hit them? They didn't do anything to you" Josie pointed out.

Lizzie took a deep sigh "I know you wouldn't care if I hit you, you would let it slide but if I wanted to hit it where it hurts I would hit both Hope and avoni, I know you'll be pissed" Lizzie winked

Josie scoffed "pissed is an understatement, you hurt them and I will kill you" Josie threatened.

Lizzie just took Josie's bag and put it to the side, she knew Josie held empty threats but she didn't know if this was one seeing as Josie was really overprotective of both girls.

"What you need me to hold your stuff for anyways? You have your own room to put it in"

Josie slid her hands into her back pocket "well, I just thought that maybe you could hold them seeing as I'm sleeping on the couch this whole trip"

"False" Lizzie faked a cough.


"You aren't sleeping on no damn couch, Hope and avoni would never let that happen." Lizzie assured before putting Josie's bag by her temporary dresser.

Josie fidgeted with her fingers for a bit "I'm not in the talking mood with Hope and I'm not going to make avoni take sides because that will set our relationship as done for. I let avoni go with Hope and let them both think that I'm mad at them both but really I'm only mad at Hope."

Josie walked over to sit on Lizzie's bed and Lizzie sighed "what did the short whore do now?" Lizzie asked

"She uhh.. I don't fully forgive her for trying to leave and not say anything, the whole car ride all I could think about was if Hope would actually leave and don't say anything in the near future. I felt worried that I could be sick and dying from hopes presence and she leaves without saying anything, I felt as if it was unfair and I know I might be overreacting and it might not be as big as it seems but the inner me isn't going to just forgive and forget.. the inner me is going to try to forgive but never forget. If I forgive to early than Hope would think it's okay  and it can happen again, and then I wouldn't know what I would do in life" Josie ranted on as she leaned her head on Lizzie's shoulder.

Lizzie let out a deep sigh as she tried to find the words to say. Lizzie was in no luck when Hope appeared at the door. "I'm sorry Josie. I didn't know you felt that way" Hope voice was sincere. She heard every word that left Josie's mouth, loud and clear.

Josie looked up at Hope before she looked over at avoni who was just walking in the room. "You two can't just easedrop onto my conversations, it's not fair" Josie pouts.

Hope stumbled over to Josie and she got on her knees before she brought Josie into a hug. Hope was more so hugging Josie's stomach. "Whatever I need to do.. I'll do it jo. But please don't be mad at me" Hope begged "I would never ever abandon you or avoni." Hope promised

Avoni smiled at her two dorks as she leaned onto the door frame.

Lizzie got up as Josie hugged Hope back. "I love this so much, I really do but you have your own room and usual in the movies this is where you fuck.. so take that to your room." Lizzie looked over at avoni "I would have thought of you as the most sensitive one.. these bitches really throwing a fit over a misunderstanding, I need a drink" Lizzie says before she walked out of the room.

Avoni nodded her head "Lizzie's right, let's take this to our room. I want to cuddle with you both!" Avoni pouted.

Hope didn't let go of Josie but she did turn to avoni. "A cuddle sounds amazing right now."

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