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Avoni was sitting in her room by herself. It had been a week since her biological mom actually died.. for real this time. Which meant that avoni could live.. she could live the fullest life there is and she could be great again.

The only problem with that plan was that avoni didn't want to be great again. She felt like shit. Jed killed someone.. for her, that someone being their own mother, it breaks Avoni's heart because she feels like she is the reason that her mother is dead. No matter if Meredith was going to kill her, she still didn't know why she felt guilty and pain from her death again.

Hope and Josie has been no help to avoni either. The two girls tried their best to help the girls out and it was true.. but they couldn't help her out.. they couldn't help her out because avoni keeps pushing them away.. and away.

To be honest, the young Werewitch thought it would be all rainbows and butterflies when Hope agreed to being avoni and Josie's girlfriend, but that same minute.. she received the most heartbreaking news of her life.. and on top of that.. her mother dying not even a week after.

The brunette was going though quite a lot and Hope knew how it felt to push people out and that's why she never gave up.

Hope walked next to the car and packed her bags and she put them in the trunk.

Jed and Josie walked up to Hope and raised their eyebrows "what are you doing?" Josie asked as she crossed her arms.

Hope smiled before she turned around and frowned at the presence of Jed. "I'm packing up, I'm going to New Orleans for a surprise visit." Hope admits as she still eyed Jed.

Josie stepped up and placed her hand onto hopes shoulder. "And you didn't think.. hey, let me ask my girlfriends if they wanted to go with me..?" Josie scoffed as she searched hopes eyes.

Hope put her hand into her front pocket "I didn't think that you would want to go and avoni sure as hell doesn't want to go after what she's been through, so I thought maybe I should go to my family's cabin house that's only 4 hours away from here and relax.." Hope tried explaining.

Josie crossed her arms and shook her head "there's no way in hell I am going to let you go there without us.. you minds well call it a group early vacay." Josie said

Jed nodded along with Josie "I agree with Josie on this one, my sister is going to be super duper mad when she finds out that one of her girlfriends left without telling her or nothing.." Jed tried to help Josie in the situation.

Josie smiled "thank you Jed" Josie said as she rested her hands on Jeds shoulder. "He gets it" Josie pointed out.

"I'll tell avoni, and if you want to come along then you can as well, I was just making a plan away from all the drama and everything, it's nothing personal my love" Hope says as she slowly removed Josie's hand from Jeds shoulder.

Jed frowned a bit before Hope leaned up and pecked Josie on the lips "I'll go ask her" Hope says as she brought her eyes to eye Jed up and down.

Josie rolled her eyes because she knew what Hope was doing "go ask.. I'll go hurry up and pack" Josie assured as she drew hopes eyes away from burning a hole into Jed's body.

Hope nodded and pecked Josie's lips one last time before she locked the car and made her way to Avonis room.

Josie looked over at Jed and gave him a small smile before she ran into the Salvatore school and to her room.


Hope walked into Avoni's room without and she crossed her arms "as your girlfriend I think it's necessary to do this.. and if I don't do it then I wouldn't be the good girlfriend that I'm trying to be" Hope says before walking over to Avoni's closet.

Avoni rolled her eyes "trying to hide back in the closet isn't going to help you be the good girlfriend that you already are. Like I said many times, I just want some time alone, I don't want to be here every day with the reminder of my uncle and that he's dead because of me.. do you know how traumatizing that is?" Avoni scoffed as she got up from her bed.

Hope continued to look through the closet for Avoni's things as she tried her best to listen to Avoni talking. "Yes, my love, I agree" Hope says clearly distracted.

"What are you doing, hope, because you're obviously not listening to anything I'm saying" Avoni says as she crosses her arms.

Hope threw some clothing onto the bed and turned around with her hands already rubbing together "yes baby, I was listening to everything you were saying..something about Alaric right?" Hope asked as she raised her eyebrow

"You definitely wasn't listening" avoni pouts.

Hope was lost in thought again before she walked into the bathroom and searched for the things that she thoughts avoni would need.

Avoni then walked over to her closet and shut it "Hope, what are you doing?" Avoni asked

Hope shrugged as she tuned Avoni's voice out.

"Hope Andrea... get out of that damn bathroom and talk with me!" Avoni demanded.

Hope nodded her head as she looked for Avoni's toothpaste. "Yeah sure baby, you look stunning" Hope admits

Avoni groaned before she smirked "Hope Andrea.." avoni called.

Hope finally found the toothpaste, all she needed was a couple more things and she should be on her way "yes avoni?" Hope asked

"Come and give me a kiss" avoni reached out her hands. Hope turned over to the tall brunette and made her way over to avoni.

Avoni pecked hope on the lips before she pushed the auburnette onto the bed and straddled hopes legs as she pressed the girl down to the bed. "Now that I have your attention" avoni leaned her lips down so they could glossed against hopes exposed neck.

Hope smiled before turning her face to be face to face with Avoni's. "You have all my attention love." Hope searched Avoni's eyes.

Avoni patted on hopes chest before she turned away to face her room door. "I know you were sent here.. why?" She asked

"Josie and I wanted to know if you wanted to come with us for a small vacay.. and away from this place" Hope explained.

Avoni hummed a bit before nodding "I'll go, I could use the break from this whole thing." She admits.

Hope then sat up with her hands cupping Avoni's waist. "We can continue this.. with Josie later on" Hope says before they gave each other a quick peck.


Josie was packing before she was interrupted by Lizzie bursting through the door, "it smells like cottage ass in here.. was Landon in here by any chance?" Lizzie asked as she walked over to her side of the room.

"Can you cover for me just until I get to the place I'm going?" Josie asked completely ignoring Lizzie's question.

"Where are you going?" The blonde asked

Josie sighed "I'm going to a cabin with Hope and avoni and I-"

Lizzie smiled and clapped her hands from the excitement "I'm gay, I want to go!" Lizzie begged

"It's only a thing for me and my girlfriends, you find your own vacay!" Josie groaned as she was finishing up her bag.

"I'm going.. I made you hoes into what you are.. my money will not go to waste.  So me and Milton are going on board.. if you have a problem.. deal with it" Lizzie says she walks off to her closet to pick out something for her wear.

Josie knew it wasn't any arguing with Lizzie and that the girl would go even if she had to drive an Uber down there herself.

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