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Hope finally escaped the malivore pit and she was met with Josie and Landon kissing. They were kissing right at the old mill. Hope felt her heart stop and she felt it grow numb. The girl could barely move at the site of this. She felt as if she was dying. As if her heart was ripped out of her chest and was being stepped on.

The only thing that worried her the most about this feeling was her being jealous, but she didn't know whether she was jealous of Josie.. or Landon.

Hope turned around sniffling as she was met with Avoni. She could see the girl from far away. She saw that the tall girl was coming from somewhere but she didn't know exactly where, Hope wanted to follow Avoni but she knew it was most likely best not to. She need to get the hell away from there before she causes any more destruction. Most of all, she didn't want to hurt Josie.


A few moments prior

"What the hell are you doing with my magic Penelope? Do I have to fly down to Belgium and beat the hell out of you?" Avoni asked as she ran her fingers through her hair.

Penelope chuckled from the other line of the phone "relax baby sister, I was just cloaking it so you wouldn't do anything dumb, as much as you hate me—I still love you, you're my sister and I have to make sure you are safe"

"I'm your half sister, and just because you think you need to protect me, doesn't mean you have to, I'm so sick and tired of you trying to tell me what to do. I don't even hate you, I just don't like your choices" Avoni admits

Penelope sighed "the park coven is decreasing, there's someone after us, someone that can kill us in one swipe if they wanted to and I know you were using black magic before summer started. I know you have been trying to use it when you were at dads house for the summer and I know that you are trying to bring back your mom but I can assure you that she is long gone" Penelope assured before Avoni palmed her face.

"I have to see her again penny!" Avoni grew more angry and angry as her sister didn't agree with her wishes.

Avoni then heard a loud thud "listen, Avs, I have to get back to sleep before I get in trouble but you make sure to stay out of trouble, and be there for Josie , I know you love her" Penelope says before hanging up.

Avoni scoffed before putting her phone into her pocket. She shut the shed door and turned around to make her way back to the Salvatore school. She knew she was pissed and she just needed to sleep it off.

The only person Avoni wanted to go to right now was Josie, but she couldn't, she couldn't because she had no idea where the other brunette was.


The next morning Hope found herself on a bench. She had spent the night there and boy had she felt so week and stupid. The boy that she loves and sacrificed herself for was having a good old time with her best friend while she was sleeping on a dirty ass bus bench.

Hope deserves better than that. She got up from the bench and that's when she saw the school, Mystic high right in front of her, Hope knew what she had to do and she knew she had to do it fast so she could catch a fast shower.


Avoni woke up to aylssa Chang on the other side of the room already making her exit. "What day is it?" Avoni asked as she groaned

"It's time for the first day of school, now make a good witch and grab your broom so you can fly your ass to first period" aylssa blew avoni a kiss before leaving out.

The witch threw the pillow over her head and screamed into it. She hated sharing rooms with aylssa. A part of her missed spending time with her sister, even though she would never admit that out loud.

She got up from her bed and walked over to her dresser. She had got a knock on the door and when she opened it she was surprised to see Lizzie. "What do you want, Channing Tatum?" Avoni rolled her eyes as she left the door open for Lizzie to walk in.

Lizzie didn't make any come back because she was trying to better herself. "I want you to ask my sister out, she's settling down with Frodo and I can't have that, I hate you and your sister but I rather you than him, at least I know my sister can be protected and she will be happy with someone who isn't a bird" Lizzie crossed her arms

Avoni nodded her head along with the blondes words "one, I'm not asking your sister out, we are strictly just friends, Two, it's great to see this side of you Lizzie," 

"You called me Lizzie, this must be the end of the word" Lizzie gasped as avoni rolled her eyes.

"Listen, I have things to do, I hope my answer clears up your question, you can get out now" avoni smiled as she waved Lizzie goodbye.

"I know you love her" Lizzie crossed her arms as avoni shook her head.

"I love her as a friend, I'm with mg remember" avoni says as she walked over to the door.

Lizzie shook her head as she walked up to avoni "I see right through you park! I know that you like my sister and I will spend as long as I can to prove you do,"

"And what if I did? What difference does it make? I love her or I don't love her, I'll never be with her." Avoni says before pushing Lizzie out of the room. "Go back to being the mean bitch you are and stay out of my business Lizzie" avoni shut the door.

"I'm not going anywhere avoni, because I love you, as gross and dirty as that sounds I love you and we are friends whether we call ourselves that or not, I'm going to get you the girl, the girl that you truly want, whether I have to burn this door down and drag you out myself, I hope you know that I'm team javoni"

Avoni smiled on the other side of the door. It made her heart feel warm at the thought of her and Josie together but it also burned it because her heart did lie, not just with Josie but with someone else as well. She didn't know who was that someone but she knew her heart lied there. Avoni knew she couldn't have them both but Katherine pierce did have a point.

"Go away blondey" avoni sighed.


After a long day it was finally night time and avoni met up with mg. They needed to talk and it was about time that they did.

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