ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ sɪxᴛʏ-ᴛᴡᴏ: ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴇʟʟ ɪs sʜᴇ?

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Hope didn't waste anytime before calling up everyone, and by everyone she meant Caroline. She knew they would hate her and she was prepared for that but Josie deserved to be in the right hands and she was going to let her be buried or anything somewhere out of her home town.

The auburn haired girl left Josie in the basement and she walked upstairs with the rest of the family trying to find a solution.

"What did I just do?" Hope asked as she looked over at her family.

They all was at lost of words, they didn't know that Hope would do something like that, they felt scared for the girl.

Freya was the first one to speak up because the rest didn't know what to say to Hope. "Everything is going to be okay, we just have to prove your innocence, if that is of course if you didn't mean it." Freya assured.

"Of course I didn't mean it! I love her for god sakes." Hope groaned.

"We'll figure something out." Rebekah chimed in.


Avoni met up with Jed and they had a lot to discuss, first it was mainly because of the new gods thing.

"So, how's your life going?" Jed asked as they started walking up to the library.

Avoni took a deep breath "well if we aren't counting the fact that one of my girlfriends broke up with me—and the other is killing more than half of the population while I'm stuck here trying to hold everything together—then I would say I'm doing pretty good." Avoni put on her fakest smile.

Jed sighed "girlfriend drama... I'm so glad I don't have to deal with that." Jed turned to see the glare on Avoni's face. "Okay so maybe that wasn't the right thing to say." Jed scrunched his nose.

Avoni shook her head "it's fine, how have you been?" Avoni asked as she walked over to one of the bookshelf's.

"I've been good besides the whole thing with Cleo and this new boy..Ben."

Avoni smirked and raised her eyebrow. "Boy? Is this the Jed coming out talk because if so.." avoni sat down with a couple of books "I'm all ears." She says as she looked up at him.

"I don't know if I really like him or if I don't like him at all but all I know is there is these feelings there and Cleo hasn't looked my way, she's more into Kaleb, and that is what scares me because I had a lot of feelings for her and now that it's clarified that she doesn't like me, I don't know how to feel, because a part of me isn't heartbroken about it. I'm relieved, Because of the whole Ben thing." Jed pointed out.

Avoni couldn't help but to smile at her older brother. "That's love when it comes to two people, but in my case, we all love each other.. or at least I think we all do. The way Josie's been acting I feel like there might be someone else." Avoni says sadly.

Jed rested his hand on his hip. "Someone like finch?" Jed asked

Avoni sat up "how do you know about that?" Avoni asked as she raised her eyebrow.

"The whole school knows, finch had been going around telling everyone that her and Josie were a thing, kind of backfired when Josie left but the way Josie looks at you and Hope, I don't think she could love anyone more than that." Jed admits truthfully.

Avoni blushed "speaking of her, I'm trying to form a spell to find Hope but I can't seem to find her so I'm going to fly down to Belgium and once I fix everything with her and get my girlfriend back, we are going to track down Hope and give our relationship another go." Avoni assured.

Jen then walked into the library "thank you guys, I got all I needed." She smiled before she walked off.

Both avoni and Jed exchanged looks and then ran after jen.

"What do you mean you got everything you needed?" Avoni asked as she raised her eyebrow.

Jen smiled and then looked over at Jed "well your buddy here was good enough to lead my brother up to it and I just happened to find it before he did." Jen grinned. "I could be a detective." She was proud of herself.

"Not so fast." Came a voice, all heads looked over at the door to see Ben.

"Ben?" Jed asked

Avoni smirked "so this is the hottie you were talking about" avoni nudged Jed in his side.

The tall boy looked over at Jed and he smiled, he then looked over at jen and the red haired girl rolled her eyes "can you get this over with? I'm honestly tired of this whole thing." Jen yawned.

"You aren't going anywhere until I get that key." Ben threatened.

"I don't know about y'all, but I have girlfriends to get to so I'm going to go." Avoni says before she vamped off.

This was her last and finale chance to get Hope and Josie back, her last chance to redeem her shot at happiness.


Hope was still trying to figure out a plan or something and she knew she needed to hurry up because the more she didn't have a plan, the more it wasn't going to work out for her in the end.

She had so many mixed emotions between killing over a thousand people in the matter of a month and killing one of the loves of her life.

The auburn haired girl decided that it was best if she went and checked on Josie, or at least got her off the floor, that seemed so disrespectful to the auburn haired girl.

When she got down there she was confused, she could have sworn she left Josie on the floor but she didn't see her when she got back.

Hope started to worry, she vamped upstairs. "Where's Josie?" Hope asked her family.

"We don't know what you are talking about hope." Freya answered truthfully.

Hope shook her head "where the hell is she? Please.. please tell me you guys are just playing some lame and unfunny joke." Hope felt wet tears clouding in her eyes.

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