ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ: ᴍɪᴅɴɪɢʜᴛ

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3 weeks had passed and Josie still wasn't talking with avoni. The taller girl thought it was a good idea to keep her distance from avoni because she felt as if avoni was trouble. Of course this was only biased seeing as both brunettes hardly knew anything of each other and Josie was still hurt over Penelope.

"Hey Josie" Hope says as she walked up to the auburn haired girl "what you doing out here so late?" Hope asked

Josie took the ice cream from her mouth and she looked over at Hope. Josie smiled before hoping off of the counters "I was hungry, and I can't sleep if I am, and it was more of a sugar rush than hungry" Josie admits

Hope smiled before walking over to the fridge. "Guess what's coming up?" Hope asked as Josie raised her eyebrow.

"What?" Josie asked confused. "What could be possibly coming up?"

Hope chuckled "your birthday silly" Hope smiled before she straightened her face up back to normal. She couldn't let Josie see her all soft and stuff. The girl might try and make another effort to being the shorter girls friend and Hope couldn't have that.

"How do you remember my birthday? How do you even know about my birthday?" Josie was a little confused.

Okay so maybe she was hella confused but who can blame her. Hope was always switching her moods and Josie could never really keep up with them. The brunette didn't know if this was Hope being nice or if Hope wanted something.

"I remember, I always remember your birthday, Josie," Hope admits before taking a water and walking back to the kitchen door frame. "I'll see you later" Hope whispered before leaving out.

Josie was a little taken back that Hope had been able to hold up a conversation for that long, it was actually nice and it warmed Josie's heart a little bit.


Avoni on the other hand. She was still up and it was now 2 in the morning. She had on her headphones and she was having her whole little concert in her bathroom. All she could think about was her music and jamming, although the music only brought her joy, little images of Josie creeped back into her mind.

Avoni was starting to think she had an obession with the older girl.

Penelope got up from her bed and knocked at the bathroom door. She couldn't take any more of her sisters bull shit "go to fucking sleep!" Penelope yelled as avoni couldn't really hear her.

The brunette had headphones on so she couldn't hear Penelope one bit. The girl continued to sing before Penelope walked into there and snatched the headphones off of the younger girls ears.

"What the hell?" Avoni asked

Penelope scoffed "I'm trying to get some sleep and you are being very loud, i need my beauty sleep"

"You need beauty sleep? I didn't know you came with the whole beauty in the beast combo, I'm guessing you look like beast on the regular but if you get your sleep you'll be some what the beauty of the family?" Avoni asked as Penelope rolled her eyes.

"You're so hilarious, you make me feel so happy to have you around" Penelope smiled sarcastically before she slammed the door shut behind her.

Avoni rolled her eyes before she opened up the door back. "I'm going to ask dr.saltzman to switch our rooms because you clearly don't know what sharing means!" Avoni scoffed before she walked out of the room.

"It's 2 in the morning avoni, what are you doing out here?" Josie asked as she caught avoni in her door way.

The shorter brunette was shocked to see that Josie was talking to her. Last time they had a conversation, Josie had told her that she didn't want anything to do with her. "Penelope and I had a fight, not a fist fight because I would totally kick her ass, but like just a sisterly argument"

Josie smiled a bit "nothing new" she commented which made avoni let out a fake gasp.

"How could you ever say something like that?" Avoni faked affended.

Josie giggled a bit. "Come on, I'll keep you company until you decide to go back to bed" Josie assured before she reached her hand out for avoni to take.

Avoni looked down at Josie's hand before smirking. The girl took the other girls hand and they trailed off to the main area.

"You know, my father would be very upset if he caught us here, I don't think it's really a good idea to be here" Josie pointed out as avoni laid on the couch.

Avoni just smirked as Josie rolled her eyes "if we get in trouble, I'm not taking the blame when I clearly warned you" Josie pointed out

Avoni rolled her eyes "who idea was it for me to come out here?" Avoni asked

Josie nodded before bitting her lip "you must want me to go back to my room then" Josie says before turning around.

Avoni immediately got up and ran to stop Josie. "I was just joking.. can't you take a joke?" Avoni asked

Josie shook her head "no, I can't take jokes, I don't get them either"

"The best people are the ones that can joke around, let me guess you don't get sarcasm either?" The younger brunette asked

Josie rolled her eyes "you're basically giving yourself all the credits. The best people are the ones that care a lot, and the ones that's there for you," Josie frowned. "The best people only wants what's best for you and in reality they would do anything for you"  Josie pointed out.

Avoni raised Josie's chin with her index finger "you're describing love, the best people are the ones that can love you unconditionally" Avoni searched Josie's eyes as the young siphoner gulped a bit.

The older girl was scared to look away from Avoni's eyes because she felt that the moment would be ruined but she did glance down at Avoni's necklace. "Is it special?" Josie asked

Avoni raised her eyebrow before removing her finger from Josie's delicate skin. "What are you talking about Josie?" Avoni asked

Josie then placed her finger tracing around the edges of Avoni's necklace. "A lot of people I know only wear such things if it's really important" Josie looked from the necklace to Avoni's eyes and smiled softly "is it special?" Josie repeated.

Avoni frowned a bit before nodding "it was something of my mothers." Avoni admits.

Josie frowned a bit, she didn't mean to bring up a bad mood. "I'm sorry"

"No need to apologize Josie, it's fine. Plus my mom would hate it if you did worry and be sentimental about such things" Avoni admits

Josie took Avoni hand and pulled her down to sit with her. "What was she like? If you don't mind me asking" Josie asked

Avoni smiled "she was lovely from what I imagined. I mean, I didn't get as much time as I would have liked with her but it's fine. The most I know from my mother is that she was a southern lockwood." Avoni explained.

Josie raised her eyebrow at the sudden mention of 'Lockwood' yet she still didn't say anything. Avoni put her hand on Josie's thigh. "I think I should head to bed now" Avoni whispered

Josie looked down at Avoni's sudden hand gesture before looking back up to meet eyes with her. "Stay for a little" Josie whispered as her eyes stayed fixed on Avoni's.

ᴇᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 3✔︎

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