ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ sɪx: ᴍᴏɴsᴛᴇʀs ᴀʀᴇ ʀᴇᴀʟ?

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Josie couldn't control herself she had one job and she couldn't control herself not one bit. "I'm waiting on your answer Josie" Avoni says as she moved a lose strange of hair out of Josie's face.

Josie rolled her eyes before taking the girl hand and shutting and locking the kitchen door. "Lizzie and I found out about your birthday being tomorrow but since our birthday party is hosted tomorrow.. Lizzie thought she should be a nice and throw you a semi party back in our room" Josie admits as avoni presses a harder grip onto the older girls hips.

Josie bit her bottom lip as she clenched her eyes shut. "Thank you.. but I don't do parties so I would have to pass on that" avoni whispered before she trailed her lips over to Josie's exposed neck. She didn't do anything farther than that because her sister cleared her throat.

Penelope stood at the door as she more than pissed. "AVONI MEREDITH PARK!" Penelope yelled

Avoni rolled her eyes "one, the door was locked, how did you get in here? And two, Meredith?" Josie questioned with a chuckle.

Avoni was honestly annoyed by the laughter at her nickname "I don't appreciate you knowing my middle name, and don't you dare make fun of it!" Avoni warned before she turned over to her sister.

Penelope was more than pissed but she didn't want to make a bigger scene than she planned on. "It wasn't hard to get in a locked room when you're a witch. And you, What did I tell you?" Penelope asked

Avoni smirked "you sound so demanding and controlling.. it's weird" avoni pointed out before she left out of the kitchen.

Alaric ran up to her with a crossbow and Hope following right behind him. "Where are you going?" Avoni asked

Hope and Alaric exchanged looks "you can't come with us, this is dangerous and-"

"Basically you're saying that I should sit here and watch you put yourself in danger and go on my way?" Avoni asked as Hope was at lost of words.

The way Avoni said it made it seem bad and Hope knew that she couldn't say no to the brunette. Before she did answer her though, Josie ran out of the kitchen. "I heard everything and I'm coming as well" Josie assured

"Hell no!" Both Avoni and Hope scoffed at the same times

The girls exchanged looks before Josie drew their attention again "no way, I'm going and that's final" Josie says before she walked pass the trio and out of the school to the car.

"Look what you've done!" Hope groaned as she started to walk off to the car:

Penelope watched her sister from the distance and she glared at her. She felt as if her sister was being so selfish and it was time to put a stop to it.


The whole ride over there Josie said nothing. Instead she listened to music while Avoni glanced over at Josie and Hope a couple of times. It was hard for her to sit in a car with such beautiful people plus Alaric.

Avoni finally spoke up to break the awkward silence that wasn't really awkward. "I'm sorry hope" Avoni says before Hope turned around to face the young witch.

"Sorry about what?" Asked the tribrid.

"I'm sorry for demanding to go when you told me no.. I just think that you shouldn't go out there putting the world over yourself when there is no one that puts you over the world" Avoni assured as Hope took that into consideration.

Hope never really saw it like that. Avoni on the other hand had a thing for overthinking the unthinkable.

"I'll be careful but there's not like much people care about me"

Avoni wanted to say ' I care about you, I would do anything you ask of me.'

Instead Avoni said "what about Landon? I'm sure he cares about you and you have family that care about you hope, so don't go out there sacrificing your life when unnecessarily, you have me, and the rest of the Salvatore school to help you" Avoni assured as Hope nodded.

"Thank you" Hope whispered low enough to go unnoticed by all ears except Avoni's.

Josie on the other hand had finally took off her headphones and she looked over at Avoni. "Is everything okay? You seem tense." Josie whispered.

Avoni nodded "I'm fine.. are you cold?" Avoni noticed the shivers leaving the taller girl.

Josie nodded softly before Avoni took off her sweater to give to her. "I don't get cold fast, you should take it" Avoni insisted

Josie nodded before she put Avoni's sweater over her body. Hope smiled because she heard the whole conversation between the two and she felt relaxed. She felt as ease.

When Alaric pulled up in town there was a huge green looking thing with 3 eyes. Avoni was in disgust. "What the hell is that?" Avoni asked

Alaric got out with his crossbow. "Wild guess is some monster. I have never seen anything like it" Alaric says before the other three girls got out of the car.

"Monsters are real?" Avoni questioned.

Hope walked over to Josie and took her hand. "If this gets too much to handle, go back into the car and go home to warn the others" Hope instructed

Josie shook her head "Hope, I'm strong enough to handle it"

"I know you're strong Josie, one of the strongest people I know.. I'm saying that if it gets too much for me to handle.. I want you—actually, in fact I need you to go and warn everyone.. I don't know if I can take on this thing, and a friend of mine told me not to do it alone" Hope glanced over at Avoni.

Avoni smiled before she started up a spell.

"You have us here with you hope, how much help do you need?" Alaric asked

Josie and Avoni glared at Alaric. "As for the most useless and powerless one here, I think you should close that mouth of yours." Avoni said in the most respectful way.

Alaric didn't say anything because his daughter gave him that look.

"What my father meant was that we have you, and you're the strongest person to exist, and then we have me and Avoni, we can kick a monsters ass" Josie smirked

Avoni got up from the floor and handed Hope one of alarics arrows "it's a Demi monster, you stab them right in the throat, or heart, they would die instantly, it only works if we work together" Avoni says

"What do I need to do?" Alaric asked


Alaric shot the arrows at the monster and Avoni and Josie was making their attack.

Before they could do anything the monster spotted them and it was about to hurt them until Avoni pushed Josie out of the way and the monster hit Avoni down to the ground. She felt her leg snap and she yelled in pain before she passed out.

Hope felt her eyes almost flooding with tears. "AVONI!" Josie and Hope screamed at the same time.

"So much for me being useless" Alaric scoffed before he shot another arrow.

Both Hope and Josie ran by Avoni's side as the girl was laid unconscious.

Hope eyes lit up showing her werewolf eyes. Hope took the arrow and flipped over the bench that was in her way and used her werewolf side to leap in the air earning the arrow to shed in the huge green things throat. "That's for Avoni"

Hope watched the thing melt into green stuff. "And for the record, Avoni's not useless!" Josie spoke up.

Hope nodded along "yeah, Avoni's one of the strongest witches I know. Now we should get her to the school and get her the help she needs" Hope demanded before Josie picked Avoni up and Hope helped carry her to the car.

ᴇᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 6✔︎

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