Chapter 1

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I have never been one for attention

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I have never been one for attention. I have always wanted to stay out of the drama that comes along with it and stay under the radar of anything attention-seeking. However, all that changed when Dad and Dylan were taken from me and my mom. Ever since that horrible night, I have had all the unwanted attention on me. People ask if "I'm ok" or people tell me that "it will get better, you just need to be strong." I always answer with the "I'm fine" or "I'll be ok", I really think I have said this so much that it has become true at some points. Whenever things do get to be too much at times all I need is to cry. I think about that night all the time over and over again to try and see if I can do anything different but I can never find one. I would have to live with it that it was all my fault.

I always knew that losing dad would be hard on mom. And losing her only son, who was also my built-in best friend. Dylan was the best big brother you could ask for, he would be there for you whenever you needed him, always knew how to make you laugh, and most of all he never let you down. I wish I wouldn't have let him down.

My dad was the one who got me into playing softball. He and I would always play catch in the backyard, he would teach me how to catch and even help me with my hitting. Every time I had a game, dad was there to cheer me on, now every time I look up in the stands and expect to see him with his big smile on his face and loud cheering, he is never there.

My mom took the loss pretty bad. She and my dad were high school sweethearts. They were your typical annoying love that everyone wished they had. I never thought mom would fall into such a deep hole after that. I knew that dad would never want to see her like this.

Her drinking only got worse after each boyfriend that she swore she loved. Well, each and every one of those boyfriends ended up beating on me and mom. I never thought that she could attract such douchebags. My mom would always take the worst of it until I had enough and stepped in at times. This only made things worse for both of us. My poor mom ended up with a black eye and a sprained wrist, I on the other hand ended up breaking my leg one time as well as my collar bone. And both times were when one of her boyfriends ended up getting mad at me calling me an "ungrateful bitch".

Most of the time it's the bruises that I walk away with. I have gotten pretty good at covering them at times, but never thought I would have to.

6:00 in the morning on Monday. It's my first day of Senior year, and I couldn't be more excited. I am never really one to be excited about school, considering that I like to sleep and I like not doing homework. But seeing my friends really makes me feel better.

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