Chapter 57

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*1 month later*

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*1 month later*

"Hey did you guys get any responses from colleges."

Mac, Riley and I decided to use our senior skip day as a chance to get together to tan. This year as been moving so fast that I almost forgot about looking at any responses from the colleges I applied too.

Dad and I always planned that I would go to Texas to pursue softball, and when they came back and offered me a full ride scholarship, how could I say no. Texas has been my dream school for as long as I could remember. I never wanted to go anywhere else, but when my accident happened I figured I may not be able to play anymore. I sent out applications to other schools when I was in the hospital, but never heard back.

I was lucky that by the grace of God, Texas still wanted me.

I know Riley wanted to go Fashion School, but she had other offers. I still haven't gotten around to telling them about the offer yet. Actually I haven't even told Ryan about it yet either.

"Yeah, I got a few acceptances, but I still haven't hear back from Tennessee." Mac has always wanted to stay close to home, whereas Riley and I couldn't get far enough away from here. "Are you sure you still want to go to Tennessee." I take a sip from my water bottle as we all just continue to bake in the sun.

"I honestly don't know anymore. Josh got accepted to Ole' Miss and they offered me a scholarship, but I just never saw myself leaving Tennessee." Riley and I sit up in a flash at what Mac just laid out.

"Are you joking." we say in unison.

"Mac, you have a God-given talent and if Ole' Miss sees that, then you need to take that. Who cares about staying home, you can always come back and visit." Riley takes the words right out of my mouth. "Have you told your parents, or Josh." I push my sunglasses to the top of my head as I turn and sit crisscross applesauce on my towel.

"Josh was the first person I told. He was beyond happy, he started planning our dorm together. He said it would be like us married. I know my parents will be happy for me and will want me to go, but there's just something pulling me here." Mac has never liked change, not one bit. Ever since we were little she never wanted to move up to the next grade. Never liked when a new kid would join our class. She's not a big fan.

"You'll be with Josh and I don't think that kid is ever letting you go." Riley tries to make her feel better, but I know how she feels.

"Just tell your parents and see what they think, tell them how you're feeling." We all lay back down and I am now starting to worry how Ryan is going to take this.


"Hey, how was your day with the boys." I'm laying on his bed when he comes crashing down on top of me. "It was long." His sweaty body is on display for me too ogle and I'm trying to shake that thought since I have to tell him.

"How was your day with the girls," he runs his hands over my exposed stomach before I put my book down next to us. "It was good, we talked about college." Here goes nothing.

"Hey, you know we never talked about how this is going to work in college." His hand stops rubbing my stomach. He sits up to look at me with a confused look on his face. "What do you mean."

"Well, you're going to Ole' Miss and well I'm not." I turn to playing with my fingers as he continues to stare at me. "Wait, but I thought you applied." He's laughing, but I can tell he's nervous.

"I did, but Texas offered me a full ride." I see his full of a mix of emotions. "Baby, I'm so happy for you, that's so good." he brings me into his arms, but I can tell there's more he wants to say. "You don't see like it." he pulls me away from him, looking at me. "Why wouldn't I be happy for you."

"I know you wanted us to be at the same school."

"It doesn't mean I won't be happy if you get a much better offer." I pull away from him completely and start to pace around his room. "Why were you afraid to tell me this." He sits on his bed watching me pace. "Because I know you wanted us to go to the same school."

"That's not an excuse Mallory." I have to tell him.

"What's the actual reason." He moves off his bed so his blocking my pace path. "What if we don't make it work at different colleges." He places both of his hands on either side of my shoulders forcing me to meet his eyes.

"Do you have that little faith in us Mallory."

"No, that's not it Ryan and you know it."

"Then what is it, because I sure as hell didn't see this as a reason to hold off telling me about going to college." He moves away from me leaving me standing with my arms wrapped around myself.

"I didn't know how to tell you." I confess.

"And you thought keeping it from me would be better."

"No, ok. Ryan I love you and I want nothing more than for us to be together. I just know that Long distance relationships can be hard." I pull myself to sit next to him on his bed. I reach out and put my hand over his, and he doesn't pull away.

"The amount of pain and heartache we've been through doesn't make you think we can handle a simple thing like going to different colleges." He pulls his hand away from mine before he starts pacing back and forth. "Ryan will you just listen to me." It's my turn to hold him by his shoulders and force him to look at me.

"I know what we have been through and I know we could make college work. I just don't know if we could handle it," he looks even more confused than before. "What the hell does that mean."

"It means we could handle the texting, the face timing, all of that. But what about being with each other. I know I couldn't go without having you in my arms, or kissing you, hell just being near you. Ryan I want to make it work and I think we can, I just think it's going to be hard."

"Relationships are never easy baby, but we have to know that we are worth it all. We are worth the long distance because then it will make it so much more special when we are together." He pulls me into his chest and I realize that this is my home.

I don't need four walls and a roof, Ryan Shaw will always be my home. No matter what, No matter where. He will forever be mine.

With you I am a better me Ryan Shaw.

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