Chapter 5

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I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm at 6:30

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I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm at 6:30. Waking up at this time was not normal for me, I guess I was so tired after last night's incident that I overslept. As I sat up from my bed I gasped at the shooting pain that was in my side, and then the stinging pain that was in my cheek. I took a deep breath and slowly got up from my bed to get dressed.

*a/n * Mallory's outfit

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*a/n * Mallory's outfit. If you want an image of the height difference between Mallory and Ryan, it is the cover of the book.

As I walked to my closet I decided to try and do somewhat of a good job and cover up the massive bruise that was on my side, so I pulled out my cropped brown crewneck with some black leggings and said that was good enough. I then slowly and painfully walked over to my desk and started my normal makeup routine, although this routine consisted of a little more concealer to cover up the yellow and purple bruise that was on my cheek.

Just as I was done getting my shoes on to head out of my room, I heard the door slam. Upon hearing this I quickly got up without thinking of my bruise, winced in pain, and had to bend over to keep my side from hurting, all while I was trying to get out of my room.

"Mom, are you there," I shouted throughout the house. I got no response. I went back down the small hallway where both my room and my moms were. I went to open the door to her room only to find that it was slightly open already. "Mom," I whispered, I saw her laying, more like in a fetal position on her bed covering her face.

"Mom, what happened," I asked her worried.

"I asked him to come back," she said while tears were streaming down her face.

"Mom why would you do that," I asked hurt, knowing that this was like her.

"I just wanted someone here," she said while more tears rolled down her face.

"Momma, you have me," I said while I went to sit on the bed to comfort her.

"You will never be enough for me," my mom said to me.

As soon as she said this, I took no time to storm out of her room and into the kitchen to grab my keys that were thrown on the floor from last night, and leave the women who I insisted on calling mom.


I took no time in getting to school considering I was speeding to try and forget what I had just been told by the woman who gave birth to me. You will never be enough for me, was all that was playing in my head. Here I was crying in the school parking lot over something that no child should ever hear from their parent. I was in so much mental and physical pain that I almost missed the knocking on my window. I looked over to see who was interrupting my crying, only to be met with annoying deep brown eyes.

"What do you want," I said while I rolled my window down and while sniffling.

"Hey, I just wanted to see if you were ok, I saw you crying and just wanted to make sure nothing happened," Ryan said to me, he almost sounded sincere.

"It doesn't matter I'm fine," I told him very bluntly.

"It doesn't seem fine," He said back to me while he opened my door. However, I was quick to shut it before he could fully open it.

"Don't," I yelled at him.

"Can I ask what I did to have you so pissed at me," He yelled back at me.

"It doesn't matter because I don't know you and you most certainly do not know me," I told him while I got out of my truck to get away from Ryan. However, with everything that was running through my head, I had forgotten about the pain in my side. "Fuckk," I winced as I bent over to stop the pain. Ryan was quick to catch up to me since I hadn't gotten far considering I could barely walk.

"Ok, you're not ok," Ryan told me as he placed his hand on my back as I was bent over.

"I'm fine," I told him while standing back up straight, and slowly walking away.

"For someone who is fine, you sure walk pretty slow," he said to me as he was now walking next to me.

"Maybe I'm just a slow walker, ever think of that smart ass," I smartly told him.

"I know you're not slow because I saw you walking yesterday at practice and it was a hell of a lot faster than what you're doing now," he told me as if this was something that I should know.

"Well maybe I'm tired today," I told him making an excuse.

"You guys barely did anything, you can't be tired," he pointed out to me.

"I got hit by a pitch when we were working on hitting," I told him more confidently hoping he would buy it.

"Well I have been hit by a baseball before and I know that it only hurts bad for like a night at most," he said to me. I knew this was true, not him getting hit, but it only hurting for a night. I have been hit multiple times by pitches before, but I always walked it off. I never made a big deal of it.

"Well, maybe I'm just a baby," I annoyingly said to him as I tried to push past him.

"Well I know that both excuses that you just told me are bullshit," he said while catching back up to me in the hallway.

"And how do you know that," I stopped to ask him.

"Because I never saw you get hit by a pitch last night, and you don't strike me as the baby type," he stated, which was true I was the least baby type there was.

"Well think what you want, but I'm done with this conversation," I said to him as I started to walk to my locker.

"Wait will you at least tell me your name," he yelled down the hall.

I turned to him, "That's for you to figure out," I yelled back.


Math was almost over, which meant that my nap was almost over. it was the book slamming on my desk that ruined my peaceful slumber.

"Miss, Wells, can you tell the class what x is equal to," Mrs. Schnider asked me. I took a minute to look at the problem on the board to figure out what the answer was.

"75," I gave her the correct answer.

"Very well done Mallory, however, I would prefer it if you were conscious while I taught," she said sweetly to me and gave me a smile. As Mrs. Schnider went back to teaching, I leaned back in my chair as I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was from a random guy who had a sly smirk on his face as well as a piece of paper folded up. I took the note that was in his hand and opened it.

I found out that Mallory Wells is the girl that isn't fine. The note read.

I discreetly looked around the room to try and find any sign of the annoying baseball boy who sent me this, however as I was making my scan of the room, I came across those deep brown eyes that were already staring into mine.

I simply rolled my eyes and spun back around in my seat and went back to sleep.

How could someone be so annoying.

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