Chapter 40

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*Sexual Content*

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*Sexual Content*

The club was filled to maximum capacity and bodies were pressed up against one another. I however, had a cold ice pack pressed up against my bruised knuckles while I stood at the table playing with the fake plant.

"Hey you wanna go dance," I looked over at him with his shirt half un buttoned, sweat glistening over his chest. The club lights hit his face, sharpening every gorgeous detail.

"Uh, um sure." He had a smirk on his face as he took my hand in his, leading us over to the crowded dance floor. "Alright everyone, there's only one minute till the New Year, so grab your champagne bottles and get ready to par-ta," the crowd all shouted as the DJ threw up a count down that projected onto the wall.

"Well here we are, just us about to kiss when the ball drops." He was playing with my hands pulling me to him and then away from him. "Oh are we," I let him continue pulling me to him and away from him.

"Mallory there's something I have to tell you." He pulled me closer to him this time not pushing me away from him. "What is it." He brought me closer so I was just inches away from his lips. "I want you to be my-."

"Ten." I couldn't hear what he was saying over the count down. "Here we go." I said in his ear.

"Nine." the crowd was getting louder.









"Happy New Year." All you could feel was the cold champagne being sprayed around the club. All you could hear was the excitement of the crowd.

"Get over here," he took my chin in between his fingers and brought my lips up to his. I was ready to feel his lips pressed against mine, but all I felt was the warm breeze of the club hit my lips.

I no longer felt his touch against my chin. I adjusted my eyes to see a set of hands wrapped around his neck. It felt as if my heart just dropped onto the floor. I had to get out of there.

I started pushing myself through the crowd to get anywhere but here. This was so embarrassing and I needed to leave. "Hey where are you going and why do you look like you're about to cry." Riley stopped me before I could leave the club.

"He kissed another girl and left me standing there alone looking like an idiot." She brought me into her arms to cry, but he wasn't worth my tears.

"Here you go to the truck, and I'll get everyone." I nodded taking the keys from her. I gave her a confused look before opening my mouth.

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