Chapter 34

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I watched her small figure walk towards her truck as I stood dumbfounded in the parking lot

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I watched her small figure walk towards her truck as I stood dumbfounded in the parking lot. "What the hell was that," I turned, walking back towards my friends who look almost as shocked as me.

"What was that about," I asked looking more so at Riley than the others. I knew her and Mallory are close, so I know that she would know something about her outburst.

"I don't know," I kept staring Riley down. I ignored what Mac had said because I knew that should wouldn't know. "She was acting weird after coach yelled at her," this time I did look at Mac. "Why did she get yelled at," Riley still wouldn't look at me. She knew something.

"I don't really know, but coach singled her out because she did a risky play that could have cost us our spot in the championship," again I was still looking at Mac.

"Well since the ole ball and chain is gone, how about you come with us," Josh patted me on the back, leading me over to his truck. "I think I'm gonna call it a night," I stopped moving with him as I stood my ground. "Oh, alright man we'll see you at Christmas," I nodded my head and started my venture after Riley, who was making a get away to her car.

"Riley wait," she gave a quick glance over her shoulder towards me, but kept walking. "Riley please, I just want to know if she's ok," I reached out for her arm as I stopped her. She reluctantly turned to face me.

"Look I can't tell you if she hasn't already. It's not my place to tell, but all I can say is that just let her vent, let her throw her tantrum, let her do whatever she needs to do ok. This time of year is hard for her ok," she opened her car door and threw her stuff inside.

"Riley what happened," I tried asking her more, but she jumped into her car and shut the door behind her leaving me staring at my reflection in her window.

What was she not telling me?


Instead of going out with the others, I decided that it was best to just head home. I pulled into the driveway and into the garage.

I opened the garage door and walked into the kitchen. I didn't smell any sign of my moms cooking. "Mom," I called out throughout the house, but got no response. "Mom," I called out again.

"Ryan," Mason called to me from the living room. "Where is everyone," I walked into the living room sitting on the chair across from where Mason was sitting.

"I'm not sure where mom is, but dad is still at the office," I tried to ignore the sick feeling that was brewing in my stomach. "Did he say when he was gonna be back," I tried to act as calm as I could.

"Um, he didn't give a specific time. Why?," I answered as calmly as I could. "I was just curious," I got up from my spot walking back into the kitchen grabbing my keys, and walking back to my truck.

I needed to drive before I exploded. I needed to see her. She would know how to calm me down.

Turning down the familiar dirt road, I pulled over to the curb and threw the truck in park. I saw her truck parked in the small driveway alongside a smaller, older red Ford truck.

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