Chapter 27

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It was our last day in Tennesee, and we decided that we should just spend the day with eachother and the lake.

These past few days that we have been here, it honestly has made me forget about the shit that has been happening at home, it gave me a chance to escape. Even if I was sharing a room with the guy that confused me more than the Pythagorean theorem, man that shit's hard.

Spending this time with my friends as just made me realize that college is coming up and pretty soon we won't have all these moments with each other. Riley was going to be a fashion school in New York, Mac was going to be in California for softball, and I was hoping and praying that I could go to my dream school, Texas. I remeber the day that I sent in my application like it was yesterday.

"Ok, so we just need fill out the surveys and then submit,"  I nodded my head in agreement to Riley's question as I was focused on my own survey submission. It was almost better that Riley was going to be  foucising on Fashion instead of trying to be a doctor. Yes, Riley had the biggest heart of anyone I knew, but would I trust her with my own life; No.

"It's asking if I see myself focusing on my career in the future," Mac sounded virtually disgusted with the question that she had been asked. "Like, why would I be going to college if I didn't see myself with this career in the future," she added while angerily pressing on her mouse pad.

Mac was already set for school, so I don't know why she was worrying about filling out another application to a different school. Mac got her scholarship early this year, which came as quite a shock to her and her family. I mean we are only juniors and she was already getting offers. When she told us that she had gotten a scholarship from Califronia; I was happy, but also a little bit jealous. I know I should be happy for my friend, but all I could think about was how I was never going to be as good as them. On top of her scholarship, Mac was planning on majoring in finance, so she was going to be fine either way.

"Hey at least you don't have to apply to eighteen different schools, just so you have a slim chance of getting in," Riley rubbed her hand on the small of my back to try and comfort me, but it didn't help. This year I fell off of doing my work along with softball, I needed time to greeve. Loosing your father and brother all in the same night isn't exactly something you can put down on an application. I had always planned on going to Texas for softball, but I realized that softball may not always be there for me so I needed to have a back up.

Ever since I was little I had wanted to be a nurse, and as time went on I started to have a passion for it. Helping others when they couldn't help themselves, it made me feel good. Yes, softball would always be apart of me, and I would always be good at it, but it's like my dad always told me "Never forget that some of the world's greatest athletes always had a second string," he would always say this when school would get to hard for me and I would say I wanted to quit school and keep my soul focus on softball. My dad was the one who even started putting Texas in my head, and now that he's gone I feel that I owe him this, to get in and to succeed not only for him, but for me too.

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