Chapter 54

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Death is a funny thing

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Death is a funny thing.

You always say that your life flashes before your eyes when something unexpected happens. Something scary, life altering, something you never see coming.

I never understood how someone could feel that way until I find myself laying in between the driver side door of her truck and the dash that is currently trapping my arm.

"Mallory. Mallory, baby answer me." I look to where she should be, but she's gone. I look at the windshield and see the broken glass.

The body shaped broken glass.

"No, No. damn it." I scream as loud as I can as I use all the strength I have to push my arm free. "Damn it. Damn it. Damn it." I finally get my arm free and the pain hits me like a bullet.

"Fuck." I yell louder than I have ever yelled before. I manage to kick out the side window and use my good arm to pull myself out of the truck.

"Mallory. Mallory, answer me." I bring myself
to my feet holding my arm that is definitely broken and try to call out for her.

I scan the dark area around us and smell a very familiar smell. I turn around and see the smoke trial that is coming from behind the truck.

"Oh God. Mallory," I scream just as the first roar of flames come to life. I loose my balance and hit the ground hard.

I lift my head from the dirt and see a familiar shadow a few feet from me. "Mallory. Mallory," I call out to her, but she doesn't respond. I feel the tears start to spill from my eyes as I pull myself onto my feet and limp over to her unresponsive body.

"Oh God, baby please don't leave me. God No," I let my body fall on top of hers.

Her bloodied body. Her glass filled body. Her dress covered in the red blood with glass sticking out of her side.

"Baby please wake up." I press a shaking kiss to her forehead before I feel her move. "Baby, please wake up." her hand comes up and shakily holds my face in her small palm.

"I love you," she says before her small hand falls back to her side. "No. You don't get to leave me, you can't. I need you," I bring her hand up to my lips and press a kiss to her bloodied knuckles.

"Help, somebody help." I no longer hide the desperation in my voice as the sounds of my cries can be heard throughout the whole field. The flames start to get bigger as I continue to hold her bleeding body to mine.

"God, Help." I can't let her go. I refuse to loose the only good thing that's happened to me. She's my lifeline. I can't loose her.

Just as I thought no one would hear my call, I hear the sounds of sirens in the distance. I turn my head to see multiple trucks make their way to us.

They come to a screeching halt, but I never leave her side. I can't. "Sir," I need her here with me.

"Sir we need to help her now." I look up and see the medics next to me with a gurney along with a bunch of bags. I feel myself getting pulled away from her and laid back onto a long board.

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