Chapter 10

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I couldn't stop looking at her, with her in that tiny swimsuit that made her body look so good

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I couldn't stop looking at her, with her in that tiny swimsuit that made her body look so good. The way it hugged her in all the right ways, made her boobs look so squeezable. I needed to stop looking at her, but I just couldn't. I was so close to finally getting to feel the touch of her lips on mine, but I didn't know what to feel when she said she didn't remember any of the stuff we did on the dance floor. So I told her it was nothing.


Saturday was the homecoming dance, and it sounded like the guys and I were going with the girls, just as friends. Today was the Friday night softball game. Here in Tennesse, we do things a little differently. Instead of having your typical Friday night football game, we always had a softball game. Baseball always played the following Monday, being the first game of the season for them whereas the homecoming game was sort of the game opener for the softball team.

The boys and I had planned on going to watch as soon as practice was over. We didn't think changing would be necessary, so we just went wearing our jerseys. As soon as we were able to, we headed over to the fields.

As soon as we arrived we saw so many students crowding the stands. Since we were Seniors, we had seniority and were able to just walk to the very bottom of the bleachers to be as close to the game as possible. Josh and I were sitting on the second bleachers from the ground, so we were surrounded by people where Connor was on the very bottom being the student section leader.

The girls had just started warming up when I saw Mallory outside of the dugout screaming at someone over the phone. I didn't know what was going on, but I could tell she was very upset. It wasn't long before Mallory was back on the field warming up. She was catching this game, so she had all of her gear on and went behind the plate. As soon as Riley released the ball from her grasp, it hit Mallory's glove with a forceful pop. Mallory was fast to get up and throw down to second, very aggressively I may add. This was going to be an interesting game.

It was the bottom of the seventh inning and we were tied 7-7 with one on base. Riley was up to hit. She stuck her hand to signal to the ump for time. "Time!," the ump shouted. Then Riley took her place in the batter's box staring right at the pitcher as if saying I'm ready for whatever you got. The pitcher threw a fastball right in the strike zone, but Riley was quick to react and hit a line drive down the center of the infield. The stands went nuts over the double that was just played. It was Mac's turn to hit now and Josh was bouncing his leg uncontrollably. Mac looked like she was ready to hit anything and anyone, she seemed just as mad as Mallory, who was getting her helmet on and getting ready to hit. Mac had a full count everyone was on the edge of their seats, Josh was now standing rubbing his arm up and down trying to get calm. We watched as the ball was thrown into motion, Mac has her position, and she swings, It's good. Everyone in the stands was jumping up and down over the single that was just hit. No one was able to come home since the infield was able to keep it in play. Now Mallory was up.

Bases were loaded and she looked tense. Before she stepped into the box I saw her use her bet and write something in the box. I had no clue what it was but she looked to relax a little more after she did that.

She stepped into the box and took a deep breath.

"Strike 2," the ump yelled. She had a full count now. All the pressure was on her and her bat. At the release of the pitch, she swings, she makes full contact, and it's gone. "Grand slam!," Josh and I were jumping up and down as Mallory ran the bases. She crossed home plate and there her team was smacking her helmet and slapping her all while telling her how amazing she did.

The team was too busy congratulating Mallory, that no one saw the ball come flying in from the outfield until it hit Mallory right in the shoulder at full speed. Everyone gasped as they saw what just happened. Mallory fell to the ground grabbing her shoulder screaming in pain.

I wasted no time in getting out of the bleachers to get to her. Connor and Josh were quick to follow. I rushed to the dugout, but I was stopped by Coach Dan.

"Ryan, you can't go in there," he told me as he put his hands on my chest.

"You have to let me in Coach, she's hurt," I pleaded with him.

"That's why I can't let you in because she's hurt," he said to me while shutting the door.

I watched as Coach Jen was kneeling beside her to make sure she was ok. I visibly relaxed as I saw her get up from the ground. Everyone was clapping and cheering because Mallory was ok, and that they had just won the first game of the season.

"Hey did you see the catchers ass," I heard someone say as I was waiting by the dugout.

"I think she has a boyfriend," one guys said to the other. I couldn't help but smile at this comment. Why was I smiling over a misunderstanding? Was it because I maybe didn't want it to be a misunderstanding.

"No I know that guy, he's a major player so she's fair game," I heard him say. I couldn't take it anymore and walked over to the guys who were talking.

"She actually does have a boyfriend and that someone is me," I said to him while smiling.

After I said this I walked back over to the dugout to wait for the girl who makes me smile.

This chapter is a little shorter than normal it was because I couldn't really think of much but the rest of the chapters should be longer.

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