Chapter 6

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Mallory Wells was the girl that was constantly taking over my thoughts

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Mallory Wells was the girl that was constantly taking over my thoughts.

I couldn't stop looking at her all throughout class. She looked so peaceful sleeping and had her hair falling over her eyes, that was until Mrs. Schinder slammed a book on her desk and the hair was rapidly moved when she quickly lifted her head up. It wasnt until Mrs. Schnider told Mallory to solve the problem that was on the board, that I found out her name. I had remembered what Mallory said to me in the hallway before class, telling me to figure out her name by myself, so I did just that. And when I did I wrote her a note.

It wasn't until she was sitting up in her seat looking around the room that she saw me already looking into those deep blue eyes that I could honsetly look at for hours. Holy shit, what was I saying I barely knew her. But for some reason I wanted to.


After first period was done I was about ready to be done with school all together, but I knew I couldn't skip. As I was walking out of Mrs. Schinder's class, I happended to see Mallory limping and discretly holding her side like she did this morning.

"So you like the note Mallory Wells," I walked up to her mostly to make sure she wouldn't hurt herself more and to talk to her.

"Ok seriously Ryan why can't you take the hint to leave me alone," she stopped to tell me, more like scold me.

"What we can't be friends, I mean we are both the captians after all," I tried to please her, but the look on her face meant that she was not having it.

"Ryan you are fully incapable of just being friends with a girl," she said to me as she started walking to her locker.

"What do you mean by that," I asked her rather curious.

"IT MEANS YOUR A MAN WHORE," she told me rather loudly, so loud that it cought the attention of some students passing in the hallway.

"But-," I was cut off when I felt someone smack me on the sholder from behind as well as with loud laughing.

"Hey what's up Ry the Guy," it was Noah Parker from the wrestling team. Me and Noah had been in a few classes togeher over the years and I guess he thought that made us friends, even though I hated him with everything in me, but for different reasons.

"What's up Mal," Noah said to Mallory. At his words I saw her visably stiffing and look a little scared.

"Woah no Hey, How you doing or anything, damn Ryan you got yourself a real winner here, hey she is also a wild one in bed too," He winked at me while looking at Mallory. As soon as these words left his mouth, Mallory limped as fast as she could away from the both of us. I had no idea what went on between the two but based on how Mallory was acting, it must not have been the best.


It was time for lunch, which was my all time favortie period of the day. Today was Make Your Own Pasta day, one of my favorite days. Just as I was giving the lunch lady my ID, Connor and Josh both ran up to me with big smiles on their faces.

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