Chapter 3

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Practice was the normal today. Everyone was working on hitting most of the time as well as working on some of the positions that the girls were most skilled in.

For me, I worked on the positions that I have been playing in for years. This consisted of catching, where I would work on catching the right pitches as well as working on my throw downs.

Next, was working on playing shortstop, this consisted of primarily Mac hitting grounders to me so I was able to make a play at first. Lastly was working on catching pop-flys in center field.

Practice was over around 5:30, which was a normal time considering that we started at 3:30. Most of the team had already cleaned up their bats as well as their gloves and were on their way to their cars. I, on the other hand, stayed back to help coach do some last-minute clean-up.

"So coach, do you think that the team is looking stronger this year," I asked Coach Jen.

"Let's give it some time, I mean it is only the first practice of the season hun," she told me.

"Well I know that it is only the first practice, but I'm talking about if the team is looking good such as bonding-wise," I started to tell her my worries.

After last season's brutal defeat, I wanted to make sure that we were able to assemble a better team that had less drama.

Don't get me wrong, the girl's on last year's team were very talented, however, most of the girls were more focused on the baseball team and the people on the team. I was never one to worry about that sort of thing.

Getting lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice the baseball that came rolling toward my foot.

"Hey, shorty, you mind handing me that back," a rather tall brown-haired boy yelled at me with a smirk across his face.

I took one look at his smug smirk and without thinking picked up the ball, and used barely any effort to make it halfway across the field only for it to land directly into the guy's hand. He quickly looked at the ball and then back at me.

"Well I'll be damned," said the guy.

Finally, I was done helping coach with the clean-up. This meant that I was finally able to clean up my own things and pack them away.

As I was putting my catching gear into my bag, I couldn't help but hear 3 different voices from behind me.

Without a second thought, I looked back rather quickly to see who was the owner of these 3 mysterious voices to only be met with Connor Elrod, Josh Hart, and the most annoying guy to ever walk the earth, Ryan Shaw.

Although Ryan and I have never met, I knew his game. Always looking for a quick fling and never a serious relationship.

He was the school player of course. I wasn't gonna lie, I knew he was attractive but in a cocky sort of attractive.

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