Chapter 48

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*3 weeks later

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*3 weeks later

It's been 3 weeks and 12 days since I lost her.

I've thought about that day over and over thinking about how I fucked up. Throwing her dad in her face was so shitty. I was pissed, I just didn't know how to react.

Seeing her everyday is hard. The first week we were apart was the hardest. I stayed in my room for most of my time to punish myself for what I said.

I would see her at school, she would avoid me at all costs when all I wanted to do was hold her and tell her it was going to be ok. I just want her back.

"Hey man you need to cheer up," Josh has been on my case every since I called him bawling my eyes out. "I can't," I keep my head down on my desk trying to drown out the sounds of everyone.

"Ah you know what just keep your head down."

"What, what is it." I look around and my eyes immediately land on my girl walking and laughing with Noah mother fucking Parker. "What the fuck is he doing with her," I stand up ready to kick his ass all the way back to his moms house.

"Dude, don't go over there. You're just gonna make her even more pissed." Josh stands in front of me making sure I don't do anything stupid, but all I can think about is her with him.

"She moved on already," I try and push Josh away from me but he just pushes me down in my seat. "She's only doing that because she thinks you moved on when you were with her," she doesn't know what really happened that night.

"I need to tell her man," he pushes me back in my seat when I make a move to stand up. "You tried and she didn't listen, just give her some space ok," the bell rings and I watch as he takes my seat next to my girl.

"He's sitting in my seat," I watch as the two continue to laugh with each other and it only makes my anger grow. "Dude just try and ignore them," Josh's words go in one ear and out the other as I keep my stare on both of them.

"Alright everyone, let's get started."


"This is weird not being by the girls locker."

"Dude, shut up," I hear Connor whisper yell to Josh. "It's fine, she's moved on and I have to be happy for her."

"No man, I'm just trying to get into her pants. She's totally falling for me again. I can't wait to absolutely destroy that pus-," I turn around and throw my fist into the jag offs "strong jaw".

"Ryan, get off," I hear Josh yelling from behind me as he tries to rip me off the piece of shit under me. I continue to throw my fist into his face, until I catch a glimpse of her.

She looks horrified, and I made her feel that way.

"Ryan. Come on man," Josh thinks he succeeds in pulling me off, but I removed myself to go to her. I take long strides over to her and grab her small forearm and pull her behind me.

"Ryan what are you doing." I bring us into an old classroom and push her up against the door.

"I'm going to talk and you're going to listen." I watch her breath get caught in her throat as I cage her in with my arms.

"That video, wasn't me. I never went to hook up with anyone that night. All I wanted was you. I still want you. I went to Josh's to talk about everything, because I was scared. I was scared you were going to leave me so I thought I should leave you, but as soon as I got down the block I realized that I was too far from you, and all I wanted was to be with you." She doesn't say anything, just looks at me with her big blue eyes.

"I went to walk back to your house, but Chloe caught me. She found out about my dad cheating and she black mailed me. Turns out she had been following me home for about a month and she saw part of what I saw that night. She took pictures and said if I didn't see you anymore, my mom wouldn't be heart broken." I watch as her eyes start to drift away from my gaze.

"I went back to my house that night and told my mom everything. I couldn't risk her hearing from someone else, and most of all I couldn't not be with you." I brought her eyes back to mine by gripping her chin.

"I was going to tell you everything that night on the field, but I guess Chloe made her own video and sent it to you. I never wanted this to happen I just wanted everything to be normal again." I wipe a single tear from her cheekbone and lean in close, so close I can smell her natural vanilla sent fill my senses.

"No, no you can't just mess with my head like that. Thank you for telling me what happened, but it doesn't change what you said. If you can just throw something like that back in my face over a misunderstanding, then how am I going to trust you with anything ever again." She's moved away from me yet again.

"I've been beating myself up over that everyday since then. 3 weeks and 12 days since I last held you, since I last kissed you. Since I last got to call you mine." I move closer to her and see all the tears welling in her eyes.

I reach to wipe them from her beautiful eyes, but she pushes my hand away. "Stop, I just, I just need space," she makes her way to the door.

"I'm going to show you how much you mean to me and how sorry I am, I don't care how long it's going to take." She opens the door and I watch her small figure retreat down the hall.

Here I was again left alone.

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