Chapter 4

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"Look rich boy, I'm sure daddy will pay to fix it but don't worry my poor self will find a way to gather all of her laundry money and pay for it," she yelled at me while looking up directly at my face

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"Look rich boy, I'm sure daddy will pay to fix it but don't worry my poor self will find a way to gather all of her laundry money and pay for it," she yelled at me while looking up directly at my face.

As soon as she said this, she was climbing into the driver's side of her 2021 black chevy 1500, while blaring a country song. I didn't realize that my mouth was still open until she was out of sight. I knew this girl was going to be trouble, but it looks like I'm all in for this trouble.

I was about to get into my truck, however, I was stopped when Chole Scott appeared at my side. Chole was a girl that I had hooked up with over the Summer. She must not have gotten the memo that it was only a hookup and I wasn't looking for anything serious.

"Hey baby," she greeted me while twirling her hair through her fingers.

"What's up Chole," I annoyingly asked. She started to get closer to me, and since I was already next to my truck, she was pressed against me.

"I just wanted to know when I would see you again," she said while she grabbed my waist and went in to kiss me.

"Woah, Chole we are not a thing," I told her while quickly moving away from her.

"That's not what you said a month ago," she said while looking hurt.

"Look, I never wanted anything serious I was just fooling around for fun," I told her bluntly.

"So is that all I was to you, a fling," she asked fake shocked.

"Well, kinda yeah," I told her while scratching the back of my head. "Look Chole I have to go alright," I told her while gently moving her out of the way so I could get in my truck.

"But, Ryan your mine," she said faintly while I was backing out of my spot.


I pulled into the driveway of my house around 5:45. My family's house wasn't big but it wasn't small. We lived in a two-story house with a pool in the backyard along with a trampoline. I'd say we have a pretty decent-sized house, we weren't rich despite what the girl said we were comfortable. We lived in a small town called Jackson which was a couple of hours south of Nashville. Our house was more of a modern farmhouse which was to give my mom and dad both of their dream houses.

I parked in my normal spot in our three-car garage, which held my mom's car and my dad's truck along with Mason's truck.

As you entered the house from the garage, you would enter into a small hallway that led into the kitchen. I put my keys on the hook before I took my shoes off on the rug right by the door. As I was walking down the hallway, I smelled the delightful smell of my mom's homemade fried chicken.

"Hey honey, how was practice," my mom asked me.

"It was good, just the normal for the first day," I simply told her.

"And how was sharing the field with the softball team, I know you had your worries about that," she asked me.

"I guess it was fine, nothing really happened," I told her while I went to sit down at the counter.

"And where do you think you're going mister, come give your mother a kiss," she said with her arms open and her lips puckered.

"Aghhh mom," I groaned as I got up from my seat and walked over to give her a kiss.

"Mwah, now that's my boy," she smiled at me as she reached up to ruffle my hair.

"Mom not the hair," I told her with warning as I backed away from her.


Dinner was soon after my dad had gotten home which was around 6:30. My parents were big on having family dinners all of the time, or as much as we could. We had this big dining room that was hardly ever used unless we had a get-together, which was sometimes once a year. For our family dinners, we would have them in the kitchen at the smaller dining table.

"So how was everyone's day," my dad asked the rest of us.

"My day was fine, nothing really happened," Mason told him.

"Oh, well how about you Ry," my dad turned to me.

"It was probably the same as Mason's, boring," I told him while shoveling the chicken in my mouth.

"Well I guess everyone had a very eventful day," my dad said sarcastically while laughing, which only made everyone else laugh. My dad had a way of always making things seem fun and not boring.

After dinner, I went back to my room to take a shower and just relax. When I was in the bathroom to take my shower, I found myself just looking in the mirror thinking of things, more like someone. How could someone that I don't even know take up so much of my thoughts? The way she spoke to me like she wasn't trying to impress me or seduce me, just made me think of her more. The way her eyes had a twinkle in them when she was mad, or how those captivating dimples were out at all times.

I had to get her out of my head, hell I didn't even know her. But I wanted to know her.

After my shower, I went to my closet to throw on a pair of basketball shorts and a cut-off. I was just about to lay down in my bed when Mason was outside my door.

"Hey can I talk to you really quick," he asked me.

"Yeah sure man, what's up," I asked him while I waved him into my room.

"Well here's the thing, I kinda like someone," he told me while he scratched the back of his head. Us Shaw kids all did this when we had something bothering us.

"Who is it," I asked rather curious.

"Well she's in my history class and we haven't really talked but I think she is so pretty and she is really funny," he told me almost seeming excited.

"Well if you like her man, just tell her," I told him bluntly. When I was his age I had liked this girl for the same reasons that he listed. Peyton Knight was my first real girlfriend. We had been together for 5 months before she moved to South Carolina for her dad's work. It broke me, to say the least, but I got over it realizing that she had already had another guy waiting for her in South Carolina to be with.

"But what if she doesn't like me back," he asked me seeming more worried than before.

"Buddy, you'll regret it in the long run if you don't shoot your shot," I told him while I had my hand around his shoulder to comfort him.

"Yeah I guess your right, thanks Ry," He said to me as he got up and left my room.

"Night Mae, Love ya," I said to my little brother.

"Love ya too," he said then went down the hall.

I always loved moments like these with my brother because it lets me know that he looks up to me and will always need me. I know that I can always go to him whenever as well. Mason was my best friend.

As I lay down on my bed I started to think about the words I had said to Mason, you'll regret it in the long run if you don't shoot your shot. These words replayed in my head for almost an hour before I made my decision. I will know the mysterious girl who scratched my truck.

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