Chapter 11

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That ball came out of no where

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That ball came out of no where. I didn't know what to do, yes I have been hit many times before by the ball but this time was different. I think because my shoulder had been hurting ever since mom's boyfriend came over. Throwing was also bothering me, but that didn't stop me from throwing down to second.

I was so glad that I hit that grand slam, it made my mom bailing on me feel a little better. She had called me right before the game to tell me she was staying one more night. She was planning on being home Sunday, but she always made an effort to come to my first game, at least she did when dad was around.

Coach Jen had stayed with me to make sure that I was going to be ok after I got my shoulder wrapped, but I was going to be ok. I was fine.


I was making my way to my truck when I heard footsteps following me. I turned to see who was following me only to be met with Jack Wesley. Jack was a junior who was on the baseball team along with Connor, Josh and Ryan. He was very good in left field.

"Hey Jack," I greeted him.

"Hey Mallory," he said a little nervous.

"I didn't really think you knew who I was to be honest," he said while laughing a little.

"No, I know who you are," I said while laughing at his shyness.

"Hey is your shoulder ok," he asked me while looking at my wrapped shoulder.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," I said back to him.

"Well, I know this may be a little weird, but I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go to homecoming with me," he asked me while scratching the back of his fluffy dirty blonde hair. Ryan always seemed to do this when he was nervous. Wait why was I thinking about Ryan?

"Yeah, sounds fun," was all I could say before I gave him my number and was quick to get into my truck and speed off.

Why when Jack was asking me to go to homecoming with him, all I could think about was Ryan. I in no way could like him, no way could he like me. I had to stop.


Today was homecoming and Riley and Mac were coming over to get ready at three'o clock since we were going with the guys to dinner at six when the dance started at eight. I told Riley and Mac last night about Jack asking me and to say the least they were excited for me. The guys didn't know about Jack yet but they sure would when they would be here to pick us up. I had told Jack to come over at five, which was when the others were coming too.

It was 2:55 and Riley and Mac had just pulled in. They always were ones to be early and never late. As soon as I heard the car door slam, I knew they would just let themselves in ever since our tenth time hanging out, I just told them to walk in.

"Oh my Goddd it's homecoming Mally," Riley yelled at me as she stormed into my room and jumping up and down on my bed.

"Yes I know what day it is dumbass," I told her while rolling my eyes.

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