Typical Training Routine

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Yami took a shower and had instant Ramen while he could hear voices of something getting stabbed.

'Is Sasuke practicing shuriken again?' Yami thought as he exited his room and walked outside his house to see Sasuke throwing multiple shurikens on targets marked on trees. Sasuke saw Yami walking outside and stopped his practice.

"I see you are up already. I am going to the academy in half n hour and we'll have our spar after lunch." Sasuke said.

"I feel like eating barbeque today so I'll wait outside your academy. We can have lunch together at Yakiniku Q"

"Okay sounds good. Come by 1 pm then." Sasuke said while Yami nodded and returned to his room.

'I hope Sakura and Ino don't bother him as they do to me' Sasuke thought. Ino and Sakura were Sasuke's fangirls. But Sakura would take fangirling to a whole new level. She would always bother him for something or keep following him after the academy. Ino except for cheering for him during spars wouldn't bother him much.

Yami after finishing his breakfast dispelled his shadow clone and his brain started flooding with thoughts. He could feel his mind power nourishing his yin chakra and making his Genjutsu more realistic and stronger. He was in his own Genjutsu and couldn't spot a single mistake in it. Everything looked and smelled totally real.

He wanted to use devouring law as well. He had decided to call the energy coming from devouring law as devouring essence. Yami thought that mixing this essence with his Yin chakra could open a new level of Genjutsu for him. But yesterday's chakra paper test had proven that he doesn't have complete control over the essence so Yami decided to first obtain full control over the essence and then combine the essence and Yin chakra.

"Now which Genjutsu technique should I start with?" Yami said while looking at the Genjutsu scrolls obtained from his mom. The scrolls which he brought from the shrine were too advanced for him. Even though he could perform it because of his exceptionally strong Yin chakra, it could take a heavy toll on his mind as he is only 4 years old.

After going through some scrolls he decided on the technique that he wanted to master first.

'Demonic illusion: False surrounding technique'

He had decided on this technique because it just changes the appearance of an object. So he could practice this technique on random people making them believe that water is juice or fish is beef or a stick is a sword. He didn't need to expend too much of his yin chakra to do this technique which makes it easy to cast multiple times in a short period.

Yami read the scroll for an hour and even practiced it a few times to make them feel, smell, and weigh identical.

"I will use this genjutsu on Sasuke today. Let's see if he notices. Now I think this is enough for Genjutsu practice. I'll create a clone to meditate and strengthen my Yin chakra while I will do some physical training. Let's try those weights that I found in Itachi's room.

Yami unseals the weights from the scroll and puts them on his ankle. He started to feel like his legs are fixed in cement as he can't even move them as freely as before.

"Wow, Yami...the weights that your 13-year-old brother couldn't use. You just strapped them to yourself" Yami mocked himself

He stood up in a few seconds and tried to walk without using chakra. He could hardly move his legs. So he circulated chakra at his full potential and now he was able to walk but very slowly.

After walking like that in his room for 10 minutes he had gotten the hang of it. He left his room and walked to his remote training ground wearing those weights. If anyone would see him now then they wouldn't even know that he had weights strapped to his legs.

'Now let's try to run in these' Yami sighed and started running. His chakra flow was getting smoother and denser as he ran. His father had told him that very few people have denser chakra as it is very rare and the denser the chakra more enhanced the element it is used with, and the more energy it provided to the cells of the body.

He had run 8 miles and it had already been more than an hour and Yami was breathing heavily. He sat down under a tree and started meditating and his chakra which was a very light shade of blue started becoming a bit bluer. Like when he was running his chakra was getting denser but now the chakra that was being molded in his body was denser from the start.

"The quantity of chakra increasing was a common thing in the anime but the quality of chakra increasing is something new even for me" Yami said as he circulated the dense chakra through his body and his cells were brimming with such power that he felt that the weights worn on his ankles had become 40% lighter instantly.

Yami continued to practice his physical training like he did every day. Due to the weights, it took time for him to adjust but eventually he did it. He trained his physical prowess till 12:30 pm and then stopped it. He walked home wearing those weights. He had to infuse only a little amount of chakra to walk normally now. He felt that the day when he can walk without infusing chakra in his legs isn't far away.

After 20 minutes he exited the Uchiha compound. He was walking towards the academy. He had worn a grey full-sleeved t-shirt and black baggy pants which overlapped over the weights and black shinobi sandals as footwear. His Grey t-shirt had the Uchiha symbol on the back. Many people were looking at him not just because he is an Uchiha but because those blue eyes of his were like a clear sky reflected on a peaceful surface of water.

The shinobis who saw this knew that when those eyes turn red then there is nothing peaceful about it. Yami reached the gate of the ninja academy and saw that kids had already started leaving and many parents were standing outside the gate.

Yami looked towards the coming children for a few seconds and then saw his brother coming out.

"There he is....oh he has the whole gang behind following him" Yami smiled.


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