The Forgetful Kakashi

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Extra 10 chapters on my P@treon

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While Kakashi was having the discussion with Tazuna and his family, Yami and the rest of Team Guy were traveling to the Land of Waves. While traveling Yami noticed that Guy wasn't in the jolly mood like always. He knew that Might Guy's father died at the hands of the seven mist swordsmen but not before killing 4 of them.

"Guy Sensei, are you all right?" Yami asked. The entire team stopped instantly because Yami is the last person they expected to say something like this. Neji was so shocked that he thought this Yami was not the real one.

"Why did you ask that Yami?" Guy asked while he forced a smile.

"Because I saw your expression change when we got the mission and I also know that your father died protecting your squad from the seven mist swordsmen." Yami said. Neji and Lee didn't know this fact so they were shocked and looked at Guy.

"Guy Sensei is that true?" Lee asked.

Guy embarrassedly scratched his head and said "It is indeed true. And from that day I developed a bit of hatred to take personal revenge against them."

Lee wanted to console his sensei whereas Neji didn't know how to react. Yami looked at Guy and said "Your father didn't die in vain sensei, he saved the life of you and your team. I have also heard that he died after killing 4 of the swordsmen."

Lee got excited as he heard that and said "WHAT?? Sensei's father killed 4 mist swordsmen singlehandedly?"

Neji was surprised to hear this. At first, he thought that Guy's father must have just played bait or distraction but taking 4 lives of A or S-ranked swordsmen was not something he could scoff at.

Guy told a few more things about his father. After a few hours, they started their journey again. This time Guy's mood was way better. He was laughing and talking with Lee and Neji. Yami as always started to ignore him again.

The land of waves wasn't too far so after taking 2 breaks and running for 8-10 hours, the team reached Tazuna's village. Yami knew that the climate would be cold here so he wore a thick black and grey colored hoodie with thick fur near the collar area which covered his mouth and some part of his nose. If anyone would see him now they would only see the black-grey hoodie, the purple sword on the back, and Yami's cold blue eyes. Yami wasn't sure whether Zabuza will attack them on the way or not so he decided to carry the sword instead of putting it in a storage scroll.

'I guess Zabuza is already too injured by his fight with Kakashi so he won't be active for a few days.' Yami thought.

"Guy sensei where should we find them? The mission never specified the address of the bridge builder. It's already close to dinner time. Should we ask around?" Lee asked.

Neji quickly stopped Lee and said "No...if any of them is working for the ones who want to kill the bridge builder then it would be a big problem."

'How could Kakashi forget to mention the address. He should have at least stationed someone to receive us when we come. Looks like Hokage-sama's response didn't specify when we will come.' Yami thought.

"Lee what Neji says is right. I think it's better if we split up." Guy suggested.

"Guy sensei, you and lee go together I will use my bat summons to search and Neji can use his Byakugan. I will keep one bat over Neji and one over lee and sensei so that whoever finds the house and relay it through me." Yami suggested.

'What Yami says does make sense. Me and Lee don't have many resources to relay even if we find Kakashi and his squad.' Guy thought. He then looked at Yami and Neji and said

"Both of you go in opposite directions so that you can cover more area." Guy said and the kids nodded. Yami turned into number bats and after a few low screeching sounds they all dispersed.

'Creepy.' Neji thought as he looked at the bats. He then turned toward the other direction and activated his Byakugan.

Yami started to see through numerous bats at the same time. He wasn't trying to find Tazuna's house but he wanted to find Haku and Zabuza who were probably in the jungle. He hadn't decided whether to kill them or not. He was pondering over if he can keep them alive and if yes then what use could they be to him.

While all this was going on Everyone was sitting inside Tazuna's house. Sasuke and Naruto came back from training half an hour ago. Sakura came before them and started helping Tsunami make dinner. She knew that Team Guy will reach by dinner time so she didn't want the entire burden of making such a large quantity of food to be on Tsunami alone.

Inari was sitting with Naruto who was now telling him about his feats in the academy. Sasuke was reading a scroll and in between, he would say things that would embarrass Naruto which would make Inari laugh.

Tazuna was happy seeing his family like this. He looked at Kakashi and asked "When will the other team be arriving? Do they know my house?"

Kakashi thought for a few seconds and said "They will reach any minute now. As for your house, I think I wrote the address. I don't remember quite well."

Tazuna was going to advise him to go out and wait but then they heard the sound of footsteps from the outside. Sasuke held his sheathed sword and even Naruto got up. Sakura came out of the kitchen while Tsunami stood behind Inari.

"Shh.." Kakashi signaled them to stay quiet and not move. Attacking the house at night was a very sound strategy as per Kakashi as they don't just have to fight but also protect the family.

Kakashi slowly opened the door while everyone else was tense. The next second he opened the door fully and saw said "You must be Neji Hyuga."

(If you guys think that an experienced Shinobi like Kakashi won't forget this then you are wrong. He is definitely the type to do such blunders)

(Want to know what will be Haku and Zabuza's fate? Chapters already in my P@treon. Go and subscribe)

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