Too Weak

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"H-how did you do that?" Neji asked but Yami didn't say anything and punched Neji's chest. Neji felt all the air from his lungs rush out. He kneeled down on the ground gasping for breaths.

"I-I" Neji was trying to speak but he couldn't even breathe properly and his byakugan was deactivated automatically, that was when he realized that Yami's punch wasn't just physical but Yami had also inserted some of his chakra into Neji's body making his own chakra go haywire. He looked up and saw Yami looking down at him as if an elephant was looking down at an ant.

Yami came closer to Neji and bowed down in such a way that his mouth was beside Neji's ear. He said "Your too weak for me to use my Sharingan."

His voice resonated all throughout Neji's body as he realized that Yami didn't even consider him an opponent and in a few seconds Neji fainted on the ground. The students of class 3-A and Tanaka sensei couldn't even believe what they had just seen. Neji was someone who always excelled in their class and seeing him beaten so easily wasn't something they expected to see even in their dreams.

"Match over winner is Yami Uchiha" Tanaka sensei announced and the whole class started cheering. Neji's arrogant attitude had angered many of his classmates so seeing him kneeling on the ground so helpless made their day.

Yami turned back and stood in line with the other students. Tanaka told to students to go home and he picked up Neji and put him on his shoulder so that he could take Neji to the infirmary. Yami and other students left in the direction of the academy gate.

While going to the infirmary Class 2-A was also dismissed so Naruto Sasuke and the others were standing with Iruka outside the class. This time Kiba with akamaru, Shino Aburame and the shy and timid Hinata Hyuga was also among the group.

As Iruka was talking to the group he noticed that his friend Tanaka had a student on his shoulder. Students getting hurt during a spar was common in the academy but the teachers would intervene before a student gets knocked out or a student faints.

"Ehh...Tanaka who is this student?" Iruka asked.

"This is Neji Hyuga from my class" Tanaka sensei said while massaging his temples.

"Uh...B-Big Brother Neji" Hinata said in a low voice but enough for everyone to hear.

"Hinata, he is your big brother?" Sakura asked Hinata to which she simply nodded and said.

"We are cousins...but Neji is at the top of his class so how did he faint?" Hinata asked looking at Tanaka.

"He was defeated in a spar by Yami Uchiha." Tanaka said.

"Yami truly is strong." Ino said puffing her chest.

"What are you being proud of Ino pig? He is Sasuke's brother" Sakura said to which Ino only snickered.

"Tanaka, why didn't you stop the match before he fainted?" Iruka asked as he knew how cautious his friend Tanaka was.

"Yami and Neji, both are strong so their spar must have been hard-fought, am I right Tanaka sensei?" Shikamaru asked.

"Actually no...Yami did this in one punch" Tanaka sensei said making everyone think how strong Yami actually is.

"He never showed his physical prowess during the assessment. Kids you all go home while I go with Tanaka to the infirmary." Iruka said.

"Tanaki sensei where is my brother?" Sasuke asked.

"He just left training ground 2. If you run then you may catch him by the gate" Tanaki said and Sasuke nodded and ran away.


Sasuke and Yami were walking through the market with Dango in both hands. Yami was looking around while Sasuke was just quietly following him.

"Come on Yami, tell me what are we doing here? All the shops from which we normally buy have already passed. What is it you are looking for?"

"I think it's time we buy swords for ourselves." Yami said

"A katana is almost half our size Yami. Why don't we wait a year or two?"

"Nope, not happening. I am going to put it on my back and you are going to major in Taijutsu and Ninjutsu so you can wait for a couple of years. For now, just buy with me and get used to it then once you become chunin or join you can start practicing it thoroughly like me." Yami said running off in the direction of a blacksmith shop. Sasuke simply sighed and followed him. Just as they entered the shop they could feel the heat coming.

"Hello, Anybody there?" Sasuke asked seeing that nobody was inside the shop. Suddenly a young man came from the side of the door and asked " What do you want kids?"

" We want to buy 2 swords. One for my brother and one for me" Yami said to which the young man went behind the counter and pulled out 6-7 swords in different colors and sizes.

"My name is Samo. For your age and height, a short sword will be good" Samo said.

"No we want full-sized katanas and we want them made of chakra metal" Yami said in a firm tone.

Before Samo could reply a big laugh came from inside the room he had come in

"Hahaha...Samo bring those two pipsqueaks in. Let me see them" The man said in a loud hoarse voice.

"Come on in. It seems my pop wants to meet you" Samo said as he signaled the brothers to follow him inside the room. As they went into the room the heat made them sweat a little and they saw 3 furnaces about the same as their height and a big furnace which was 3 times bigger than the other two.

There was a work table with different materials and papers with drawings kept on it. There were two people sitting at the table. One was a burly man in his 40s with a large hammer in his hand and the other one was an old man in his 60s smoking a pipe and his eyes were closed.

"So you want a full-sized katana huh?" the burly man asked while the old man didn't even open his eyes.



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