The Copy Ninja

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"That's an interesting way to train. I would have never thought of something like that. So which jutsus should I start with?" Kakashi asked.

"Let's start with fire as it is common in our land of fire and I think most of my missions for a year or two will be inside the Land of fire."

'If only you knew kid what Hokage sama has planned for your squad.' Kakashi sighed. He had seen many genins lose their life at times of war and even in times of peace. He himself had lost 2 of his teammates at the times of war and one of them was killed by his own hand. Kakashi may be known by many people for his Chidori and his work record at Anbu but the only Chidori he remembers is when it tore through his friend Rin's heart.

'It took me a lot of years to make peace with these emotions. After losing Sensei I seemed to have stopped feeling many things. And now seeing this kid reminds me a little of myself.' Kakashi looked at Yami with a pitiful smile.

" to Mr.Kakashi. Should we start?" Yami said while snapping his fingers in front of Kakashi bringing him out of his thoughts.

After that Kakashi and Yami started their practice to defend against different jutsus. At first, Kakashi would tell his way to avoid the jutsu or counter it and later Yami would give his own input and make the counter even more fullproof.

Things like this kept going on for 2 more hours and after that Yami was breathing heavily. Kakashi used many jutsus like fireball, fire phoenix, water bullet and even water dragon.

"Water related jutsus are really tough to counter." Yami said looking at Kakashi who was sitting under a tree beside him.

"Of course its because water can be molded as you wish and don't forget the 2nd Hokage Lord Tobirama was well known for his water style jutsus. You need to understand the behavior of the elements to counter them" Kakashi said while touching the soil beneath him.

"What do you mean by behavior?" Yami asked as this was the first time he was hearing something like this. The anime never said anything about the behavior of elements.

'Did they show anything about this in the filler episodes? Damm, I shouldn't have skipped those. But there were so many fillers in Naruto and One piece that I had no option other than to skip them.' Yami was thinking when Kakashi gave the answer to his question.

"Fire is simple to control because its effects depend upon the intensity of the fire rather than its quantity. Water just like I said can be molded however you like. Earth, on the other hand, is stubborn just like the Tsuchikage and Earth's element is very stationary which is why many prefer it to be used for defense. Lightning is more powerful than the others but it is very unstable. Only a few people can control lightning to a good extent and they are from the family of the Raikage."

"So the Raikage and his family must be strong right?" Yami asked excitedly. He wanted Kakashi to open up about lightning. Yami had given much thought to learning the Rasengan but he decided that if the village ever finds out then they will pester him to tell from where he learned it. Yami wanted to wait till Jiraya teaches Naruto the Rasengan so that later Yami could claim he copied the jutsu with his Sharingan.

Today by seeing Kakashi perform jutsus Yami had copied fire phoenix and water bullet. He knew that he didn't have water chakra affinity so his water bullet won't be too powerful but it doesn't hurt to add a jutsu in your arsenal.

"Yes they are strong but they use lightning for speed and defense rather than its damage as even they haven't progressed enough to control it. They can use the damage in a wide area but when there are allies and enemies in the mix then Lightning jutsus aren't preferable for damage. They rather use their speed to maneuver and takedown enemies. Let's stop our practice for today and I will see you 3 days later as per the timetable made by me and Guy. Now go freshen up and meet your team at Konoha Hospital." Kakashi said while wrapping up his things as well. He had brought some scrolls that depicted the relationship between elements.

"Why Konoha hospital? Who was injured?" Yami asked.

"No one, your teammate Neji is at the hospital practicing medical jutsu. I will be going now." Kakashi waved toward Yami and turned back.

'I don't know if he has decided on a weapon. He has wind chakra affinity so he might be able to use knuckle blades like Asuma.' Kakashi thought as he turned back and asked

"Yami do you plan to use any weapon or do you want to have hand-to-hand combat like Guy?"

'No one told him about me being good at Kenjutsu? Seems like Guy sensei was the one who briefed him on everything and forgot. Well, Kakashi is pretty good with a short sword just like his father but he hasn't used it for a long time. It wouldn't hurt to spar with him in terms of kenjutsu. I am bored sparring with Sasuke the whole time.'

"I am pretty good at Kenjutsu with a Katana." Yami said in a proud tone.

Hearing this Kakashi raised his eyebrows and said "Ohh...pretty good huh? Fine bring it during our next practice and I will decide how good you are." Yami nodded in understanding and Kakashi left the training ground. Yami followed him to walk him to the Uchiha gates. While walking Kakashi and Yami talked about many topics. Some of the topics were that Yami already knew but he had to behave like a kid who doesn't have much knowledge about the outside world.

As Yami and Kakashi reached the gates both said their goodbyes and as they turned their backs to each other they both thought the same thing.

'Why is a root shinobi hiding outside the clan compound?'


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