Mixed Bandits

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After devouring the two corpses Yami met up with Neji who had just finished applying the ointment. According to Kakashi's plan, they moved in a zigzag pattern. Neji used his byakugan to locate the bandits and Yami would go and kill them. They didn't find many as many of them were already killed by the fireball at the campfire. The two genins tried to find out whether there was anything that would give them any information but the bandits were simple barbarians. Except for money and booze, nothing could be found.

As Neji was with Yami every step of the way, Yami couldn't devour a single corpse. But he wasn't too disappointed as he started dumping the corpses in a single scroll. Neji was a little frustrated as he didn't get to fight at all. He was just a sensor. Due to the constant need for the byakugan during this mission, Kakashi felt that the less Neji uses anything other than Byakugan, the better.

"Yami I can see 8 people fighting ahead. Seems like we caught up to Guy Sensei and Lee." Neji said.

"Great let's go fast so that we start the next phase of the plan." Yami said and bolted toward the direction Neji had just pointed to.

As Yami reached there he saw 3 bandits already lying on the ground. 2 were fighting with Guy and 1 was fighting Lee. Lee was having a hard time because his opponent was using earth-style jutsus. Lee had just kicked through an earth wall and the bandit had managed to create another one.

'As far as I remember earth is weak to lightning.' Yami thought as he unsheathed his sword and started to pass lightning chakra through it. The sword glowed a little and a few arcs of lightning were dancing around it making light sounds of a whip. Yami ran to the bandit with enough speed to startle the bandit and slashed horizontally. The sword went through the wall of the earth like a hot knife through butter. It also slashed the chest area of the bandit. The cut on his chest was shallow but there was still bleeding. He took a few steps back and touched his wound because of the pain.

"Y-youuu...brat" the bandit said gnashing his teeth but then he heard a voice from behind.

"Did you forget me by any chance?" Lee asked the bandit as he kicked his face hard enough to break the man's jaw. The man flew and slammed to the ground. He was on his last breath.

Yami looked at Guy and saw that his sensei had taken care of the remaining 2 bandits. Guy walked to his students and said "You guys did very good. THIS IS YOUTH." Lee had a proud expression as he heard his sensei's praise.

"Yami you go ahead and find Kakashi. We three will take care of the bandit group around here. Remember that Kakashi may still be transformed into the patrol bandit or some other bandit so look for the ribbon." Guy said and Yami nodded. He performed some hand seals and transformed into a bandit which was laying dead near him. The bandit had a sword on his back as well. So Yami transformed into him. This way it won't be too suspicious. Yami tied a ribbon on his wrist and ran toward the center of the valley from where the flare had originated.

As Yami was running he passed through many bandits but no one bothered with him as everything was in chaos because of the attack and Yami looked like one of their own. After a few seconds, Yami heard a few explosions at a distance. He rushed toward it and saw a few people dead laying on the ground.

'These people have worn clothes like bandits but something feels off about it.'

Yami crouched down and inspected the corpse and saw that the person's body was very well groomed and the tools in his pouch were of high quality.

'These aren't any run-of-the-mill bandits. These are well-trained shinobis. I can't take away these bodies with me like the bandits as these were killed my Kakashi and he may want to identify these people after reaching the village.' Yami thought.

Yami decapitated the corpses and stored the cut heads. He devoured the rest of the bodies as fast as possible and left the place. As he was running he thought 'The feeling I am getting now after devouring bodies isn't related to my chakra in any way. This feels completely different but I can't even touch it.

As Yami got closer the sounds of fight became more louder. He suddenly heard loud noise which he had heard many times in the canon.

"This is the sound of Chidori." Yami said.

Yami saw Kakashi standing alone in front of 5 people. They all had tanned skin and lightning was dancing around their body. Kakashi was breathing lightly. There were 3 corpses around Kakashi.

'Looks like all these people are from the land of Lightning. Kakashi has already killed 3 of them. Why did he use lightning-style jutsu in front of them? Shouldn't he use wind style?' Yami thought.

Among the 5 people, one wore bandit clothes while the rest had plain black cloaks. A little similar to the ones Yami, Neji, and Kakashi were wearing. It was clear that the people wearing the cloak were here to get information from Shinzo who was most probably the one wearing the bandit clothes.

"HAHA...Kakashi the copy ninja. Who would have thought that you would come here. I guess the sand village asked help from the leaf and the village sent you to investigate. You made a mistake coming here Kakashi. Now that you know who we are you will die." Shinzo said

"Shinzo you aren't as smart as you think you are. Tell me what is the purpose of the Land of Lightning's interference in a foreign land?" Kakashi asked.

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