Bat Cave

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After Yami wrote his name on the scroll Kakashi told him that he will need to drop some blood on it as well. Yami nodded and poked his thumb with his teeth.

"Now smear that blood in the middle of the scroll." Kakashi said.

Yami nodded at smeared the blood-covered thumb in the middle of the scroll. As soon as the blood touched the scroll it started glowing and an air vortex was created around it. Yami looked back at Kakashi who said

"Normally summoning happens in a puff of smoke but looks like this is different. All the best brat. Don't die on me" Kakashi winked and the air vortex sucked Yami in instantly.

Kakashi sat beside the scroll and sighed *sigh* "If this kid keeps doing things like this then I am going to need therapy soon."


In an unknown place...

An air vortex appeared and a blue-eyed kid dropped out from it and fell on the ground. Yami stood up and dusted off his clothes. He was still feeling a little dizzy from being transported here. He looked up and saw that the sky was red in color and the clouds looked black.

He looked in front and found a big cave in front of him. He looked back and there was a deep valley behind him. The odd thing was that strong winds were coming from below the valley. The valley was so deep that Yami couldn't even see the end of it.

'Let's try to throw a stone and hope that I can hear a sound. Hope that the strong winds don't throw the stone back at me.' Yami thought as he picked up a nearby stone the size of an adult fist and dropped it in the valley. Yami saw the stone going down and the winds weren't strong enough to hinder its momentum. Yami waited for a few seconds to hear the sound of the stone dropping on the ground but he couldn't.

'Looks like the speedy wind muffled the sound. For now, let's focus on the cave.' Yami thought as he turned back to face the cave.

The cave had a 15 feet diameter opening and it was dark as well. No kind of sound was coming from inside which made it more creepy. Yami tested whether he is able to use chakra here or not and lucky he had no problem with it. He decided to go all out from the start and not take any risks this time so he took out his sword from a storage scroll and tied it to his back. He always had a scroll that had a week's ration in it. Yami also disabled his ankle weights and turned on his Sharingan.

Now that his Sharingan was activated he could see up to some distance but not too much. He went near the walls of the cave and and touched them. They were moist as if water was seeping through them.

'If there is a stream in the cave then I should have heard a sound of water flowing. Looks like I will have to go in blind.' Yami thought as he slowly walked inside the cave. He took out a kunai and held it tightly in his hand to fight any sudden dangers.

As Yami was going ahead he started hearing small sounds. Yami instantly recognized it as bats' chirping noises. As he kept going ahead the size of the cave increased. As he was walking he saw two small dots of light.

'Are those two the exits? No, their shape keeps changing. It's not an exit but a fire lamp.' Yami thought as he increased his walking speed and went near one of the lamps. The size of the light also kept increasing and once the light which was just small as an inch was now as big as a human head.

To be precise it was a big torch. Ahead of the torch was a big statue. It was a statue of something Yami had seen in his past world in movies. It was a statue of a gargoyle. It had the head of a dog and the body of an oversized bat. It was made of stone or else Yami would have thought it was the real thing.

'Damm they look scary. Even Orochimaru will look like a beauty when compared to them.' Yami thought and subconsciously he touched the statue in curiosity. As soon as he touched the statue, the chirping noises coming from around him stopped instantly. Suddenly there was pin-drop silence all around Yami.

'I fucked up, didn't I?' Yami thought and red dots started appearing on the ceiling. They were on the sealing behind him, exactly above him, and even ahead. It took a couple of seconds but Yami realized that these red dots were nothing but the eyes of bats and all these bats were alive and looking at him.

The chirping noises increased and they were becoming so loud that they felt like screams to Yami. Blood started coming out of his ears. Yami decided to kill them all using a fireball so he performed a seal and threw a fireball at the bats just a little ahead of him on the ceiling.

The fireball slammed on the bats and Yami had expected a lot of bats to fall down from the ceiling burned to a crisp but to his disappointment, nothing like that happened. The fireball blasted and a few seconds later when it dispersed Yami saw that the bats had covered their body with their wings. The wings only had some scratches but no burns. With his Sharingan, Yami noticed that even though those wings looked like normal bat wings, they were able to take the brunt of Yami's fireball without any serious injuries. The bats closed their wings and again the red eyes continued to stare at Yami. As all of this was happening when suddenly 2 loud stomping noises were heard and all the bats became quiet. They all looked in the direction from where the sound came and Yami was looking there was well and then he heard a heavy voice.

"A human after all these years. Come in."


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I am also writing a novel called 'Soul Spirit Ascension' so please give it a read and shower some of those powerstones.

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