Reading the Scroll

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Yami's first clone dispersed giving Yami the memories of what happened the 1st week he was out on a mission. The clone even saw Kakashi, Asuma, and Kurenai coming out of the Hokage building. He didn't try to listen to what they were saying so Yami didn't know that they were talking about him.

Yami's mission was going smoothly so he had all the time in the world to view all those memories.

'Hiruzen called the three of them to tell them about the genin teams he will be assigning to them.' Yami thought.

Back in the hidden leaf, it was night. Naruto was sneaking into the Hokage residence to steal the scroll of seals. Yami's third clone hid in the forest behind the academy. From the canon, Yami remembered that this is where everything will happen. The clone was strictly warned by the original Yami not to step out of the forest and not become greedy in the slightest.

Yami didn't have too many expectations from this. He had always been suspicious as to how Naruto whose brains and strength were hardly genin level could steal from the most highly protected residence in the village. Yami had suspected that Hiruzen was watching the whole thing through the crystal he had and the scroll that Naruto stole was just a dummy one that contained only the Mult-shadow clone jutsu.

'Hiruzen must have let Mizuki get this far only to test Naruto's loyalty to the village.' Yami thought when he was considering executing this plan.


Hidden leaf Village

Hokage residence...

Hiruzen was standing at the entrance of his residence and in front of him stood 8-10 shinobis in flak jackets which proved that they all were at least Chunin.

"Hokage-sama we have to find Naruto and get back the scroll of Sealing." A chunin said.

"Yes, Hokage-sama the scroll contains many forbidden jutsus. We can't let him get that." Another Chunin said.

Hiruzen looked at the people in front of him. In the back, he saw Iruka and Mizuki who were instructors at the Konoha academy. Hiruzen could see that Iruka was worried not about the scroll but about Naruto. On the other hand, Mizuki had a sly smile on his face. Hiruzen decided to just let things happen and see how things turn out in the end.

He looked at the chunins in front of him and ordered "Go and find Naruto and bring him to me." The Shinobis nodded their head and dispersed quickly.

At this time Naruto entered the jungle behind the academy and opened the scroll. He sat down between a couple of trees and started reading the scroll. He didn't notice that behind him at some distance, two red eyes were glowing as well. These eyes belonged to Yami's third clone who was now reading the scroll. He had a slight frown on his face as he was reading it. After a few seconds, the red eyes calmed down and turned into normal eyes and with a puff of smoke.

Naruto looked back in a confused face and said "Huh? I thought I heard something". Yami's clone dispersed himself as he knew what is going to happen in the future and after reading the scroll he understood that the old man won't allow anything to happen to Naruto.


In a small room, 4 people were having dinner. These four were Team 9 of the hidden leaf village also known as Team Guy. Lee and Guy were talking to each other while Neji and Yami were sitting quietly. After every few seconds, Neji would switch on his Byakugan and look around to make sure that no one is sneaking up on them while they are eating. He had no idea that Yami was a sensor too.

Yami was focused on Neji's expression when he looks at Yami with his byakugan as he thought 'Neji didn't detect anything different about me when he saw me through his byakugan? I thought the chakra core would be detected instantly.'

As Yami was thinking his body suddenly got stiff for a second but came back to normal as well.

Neji noticed this and asked "What's the matter?" This attracted Guy and Lee's attention as well.

"I think I am just in need of sleep. Is it alright if I stand to guard the mansion last for tonight?" Yami asked. Neji nodded and said "I'll stand guard the first this time and then I will wake up Lee after a few hours. He will pass it on to Guy sensei and then you can do your part."

Yami nodded and got up from the table and left the room. As he exited the room he felt Neji's gaze on his back but he ignored it. He went back to his own room and after laying down on the bed he started to see the memories of the 3rd clone who read the clone. After half n hour, Yami opened his eyes and sat upright as he said

"Sure enough this was just a trick to give Naruto the jutsu the old man wanted to and in the process test Naruto's loyalty. Mizuki showing his true colors and Iruka's heartfelt speech was just the bonus." Yami snorted.

Things were just had Yami thought. This entire theft and all that happened only because the old man Hiruzen let it happen. The scroll which Naruto stole wasn't the real scroll after all. It was a scroll kept by Hiruzen containing the jutsus he wanted Naruto to have. The Anbu who keeps an eye on Naruto the whole time must have informed Hiruzen of what Mizuki told Naruto to do.

The scroll which Naruto opened contained Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu, Rasengan, adamantium chains, and some ideas to develop Rasengan into Rasenshuriken. All these jutsus were the ones that Naruto could practice either by being an Uzumaki or because he had wind nature chakra. Yami now wished that he should have taken Guy's advice and stayed in the village peacefully rather than doing all this. Yami knew he had no scope to learn jutsu like the flying Raijin technique as he never felt any connection to the space element. He may develop some of it if he ever attains Kamui like Obito or the Rinnegan.

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