Start of the invasion

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As Gaara was on his knees in the middle of the arena Temari, Kankuro and Baki felt as if everything was going to be over now. "G-Gaara.." Temari muttered as tears welled up in her eyes. She had never seen her brother in such a sorry state. Her eyes then landed on Yami who was looking at them. He held his sword and some of Gaara's blood was still on it. Genma who was at the side was deciding whether he should announce the winner or not. But then he saw Yami lift his sword and place it near Gaara's neck. His eyes widened as he realized Yami was about to kill Gaara. Not just Genma but everyone else was.

It isn't a big thing for opponents to kill each other during the chunin exams but Gaara was the Kazekage's son and as per the spectators the Kazekage was sitting beside the Hokage. They never thought Yami would think about killing Gaara in front of his father. Hiruzen looked sideways a little to gauge what the Kazakage's reaction would be but to his surprise, the Kazekage didn't even react. In fact, Orochimaru wanted Yami to kill Gaara so that the tailed beast will be released and the hidden leaf will be destroyed.

But all his wishes came to a stop when he saw Baki along with his students Temari and Kankuro rush to stop Yami. Temari knew that her father regarded Gaara as only a weapon so he wouldn't give this much of a thought. He was shameless enough to ask for compensation from the hidden leaf for his son's death.

"STOP" Kankuro shouted as he unwrapped the puppet on his back in mid-air.

All this time Yami hadn't touched Gaara's neck with his sword. He actually had no intention of killing Gaara and creating a new headache. He just wanted to see how others react to it. Seeing them run toward him, Yami took back his sword but didn't sheath it. This gave the sand ninjas some relief but on the other hand, Kabuto and Orochimaru clicked their tongues.

' would have been so nice if he had done it.' Both of them thought. Orochimaru then looked at Kabuto straightaway and nodded as if giving him a signal. Kabuto understood the signal and made some hand signs to start the genjutsu. Yami who was looking at the sand jonins turned his head toward the stands and saw the white feathers falling from the sky.

'So it has started.'

Due to his sharingan he broke through it instantly and even saw some people from the stands break it as well. The sound and sand ninjas who were hiding solo left their disguise behind to attack the Anbu. The ones that were sitting near Yami had grouped together and were about to get up as well. But then they noticed that the people who sat around them and were sleeping because of genjutsu suddenly woke up and held their hand. 'All these people came and sat around us at different time. We didn't even detect a shred of chakra from them so how did they not get affected by the genjutsu.' One of the people in the group thought. They didn't find anything suspicious about these people and now each of them was holding the hand of him and his teammates. They wanted to go and help kill the Anbu but now he had to kill these odd civilians first.

Just as one of them took out a kunai all those who held their hand suddenly jumped on them. They didn't understand what was going on nor did Kakashi and the rest who were sitting some rows away. But then their eyes turned bright blue and Kakashi understood.

'Lightning clone'




Explosions happened one after the other and the entire group died. Kakashi and Sasuke didn't understand when Yami had created these clones and planted them near the sand shinobis. In reality, when Yami went to freshen up in his room, he had the clone stay in the room and leave with Kakashi and Sasuke. He left his house through his window and left the Uchiha compound. He knew from the canon that many sand and sound shinobis will disguise themselves. So he had his lightning clones transform into civilians and enter the stadium. When his clone had entered the stadium and was looking around, he didn't find the disguised sand and sound shinobis but the transformed clones. Though the original couldn't find the real kabuto and many of the intruders, due to a foolish group whispering, his enhanced senses caught them and placed his clones near them. He also had two of his clones go outside the village. He knew that large snakes would also be summoned near the walls.

'I don't want the chaos to be too much and let's let some of the intruders live or else how will they create the barrier?'

Yami then swapped with his clone when his match was announced and his clone went through the dark entrance. On the other side of the same entrance, two people had also threatened Gaara to surrender in this match and he had killed them. So Yami was sure he could easily replace the clone at the entrance.

As the explosion was heard, the civilians who were sitting around were thrown away by the blast of air. All the lightning clones didn't detonate together or it would have caused a lot of civilian casualties. Yami detonated the one in the middle so the air would distance the civilians and then the others detonated killing the group of intruders.

"KAZEKAGE-SAMA WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS." Hiruzren asked as he stood up from his chair. He knew that the hidden sand was very weak and could resort to desperate measures.

Orochimaru who still hadn't revealed his identity put a hand around Hiruzen's neck and jumped up on the roof just like in the canon. Yami was watching as all this was happening. This time the genins didn't run but helped the civilians evacuate. Neji and Sasuke were even fighting some of the intruders.


To read 10 extra chapters go to my Patreón

Link in the synopsis as well.

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