Are they worthy?

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Kankuro and Temari also looked at Yami. Both were thankful to Yami for saving Temari's life during the bandit valley mission last year but they knew that right now they were here as enemies.

Kankuro was about to say something but then he sensed movement on his other side. When he turned in that direction, he saw that Lee was standing beside him while Neji was standing beside Temari.

Lee looked at Kankuro and said "Attacking the Hokage's grandson the same day you come to our guys are up to no good."

After hearing that Kankuro quickly looked at Konohamaru

'This little pipsqueak is the Hokage's grandson? Thankfully Gaara stopped me before escalating or else this would become a big problem.'

Kankuro wanted to get away from all this without escalating but he couldn't just back off. He and his siblings were representing their village so backing off like this could bring shame to the hidden sand.

He turned back to stare at Yami and said " If you think that just because this brat is your Hokage's grandson then you..."

Yami interrupted him by saying "Shut up...Your words hold no weight and we both know it so don't bother arguing."

These words brought a small smile to all the hidden leaf genins present there. They didn't expect Yami to blatantly insult Kankuro like that.

"You" Kankuro said with a little angry expression but Yami ignored him and looked at Gaara.

"I hope we will meet during the exams." Yami said.

"I will be waiting." Gaara replied. This whole time he didn't bother saving face for his elder brother. He knew the village saw him as a tool of destruction so for them to be insulted meant nothing to him.

Gaara glanced at Sasuke once and then said "Let's go."

Kankuro and Temari followed him. Kankuro cursed Yami several times in his heart but didn't say a word.

Naruto helped Konohamaru get up and checked whether he was hurt anywhere. Naruto then looked at Yami and his teammates and said "Thank you for the help guys."

Sakura who was standing at the back the entire time also hurried forward and with a small bow said "Yes he is right...Thank you"

"Anything for you Sakura." Lee quickly said coming near Sakura. This creeped out her a little so she instantly slapped him.

"Eeek...sorry you scared me" Sakura said with a worried expression on his face. Lee just gave an embarrassing laugh. He was a Taijutsu specialist so just a simple slap won't even hurt him.

Neji sighed seeing the antics of his teammate. He then looked at Yami and said "We should leave. We still haven't submitted our forms."

"I'll see you later." Yami told Sasuke and left with his teammates.


The next day Yami and Sasuke were walking toward the academy. Today was the first test of the chunin exams. There wasn't much to be excited about this nor there was a need to prepare much for it. As Yami reached at the academy gate he saw that Neji and Lee were already there.

Sasuke patted Yami's shoulder and said "I'll wait for my teammates. Naruto will be late as always so you go ahead. And all the best not that you need it."

Yami chuckled and said "We should have sent a shadow clone instead of coming here ourselves."

"I don't want you to take any chances in the chunin exam so don't fool around." Sasuke said in an elderly tone. Yami bid goodbye to his brother and left. He met up with his teammates and entered the academy.

"So, are you both excited?" Lee asked. Yami and Neji could see that his excitement was overflowing.

"This is just a written exam. Why are you so hyped up?" Neji asked. He had changed his demeanor toward Lee and the others. Lee as oblivious as ever didn't even notice the change. Yami guessed that Hiashi must have told him the truth which is what changed Neji to such an extent.

"Come on both of you...Don't tell me you guys aren't the least bit excited to fight genins from other villages." Lee said. Neji didn't reply to that as he wanted to see what Yami says.

Yami looked at Lee and asked "Do you want to fight them to see their strength or to show them how strong you are?"

Lee was confused by the question Yami just asked and went into deep thought. Neji understood what Yami meant and also that Lee wasn't eager to see others fight but to show others that he can defeat them even without using chakra.

'How are you able to think in such a way Yami?' Neji thought as he looked at his teammate who was a couple of years younger than him. After walking for a few seconds they reached a floor where many kids were gathered. They were standing in front of a door that read room 301. This was the room specified in the form and was the venue where the form should be submitted.

"This is the room we need to go in. Looks like it's guarded by two people." Lee said that two people who looked like their seniors were standing outside the door blocking the kids from going in.

"Should we fight them?" Neji asked while looking at the two seniors.

"Are they even worthy?" Yami asked in a low tone.

"Who? those two?" Lee asked with a confused tone.

"No...these genins who are being fooled by such a simple illusion." Yami said as he turned to climb the stairs. While climbing he said "Kotetsu and Izumo I hope you guys are doing good." The two seniors instantly looked at Yami and smirked. They knew someone like Yami will see through their illusion easily. They had set a weak illusion only to fool the weaker genins.

"Huh?" Lee was more confused after hearing this. Neji activated his Byakugan and saw that it was actually an illusion and the number of the door plate was 201 instead of 301.

'So this is the wrong floor and those looking as our seniors are Kotetsu and Izumo who guard the main gate. Yami recognized this instantly and didn't even have to use his Sharingan. He said that the genins who can't see through a weak illusion like this aren't worthy. Did it include me as well?' Neji thought but he and Lee quickly followed him upstairs. This whole thing wasn't too eye-catching so many genins didn't even notice all this happening and still stood in front of room 201 thinking how to fight the two seniors.


To read 10 extra chapters go to my Patreón

Link in the synopsis as well.

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