End of 2nd test

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Seeing Zaku's mind collapse due to all this Yami thought 'Let's see how much I can push him into this deep hole.' He went close to Zaku who was now crouching on the ground with his eyes closed and his arms covering his head. Yami guided a wisp of his chakra into Zaku's chest and synced his heartrate to one of the segments mentioned in the Yuhi clan scroll. The segment represented the emotion of guilt and it will increase based on how weak the victim's mind is and in what state it is.

'Zaku has already drowned in guilt and sadness...wonder what will happen when I have given this little push.' Yami thought. For the next few seconds, Zaku kept sobbing and muttering I am sorry but then suddenly all of that stopped. Yami raised his eyebrows when he saw that.

Zaku looked up. He lifted his hands and looked at the kunai for a few seconds and jabbed it in his own throat.

'Suicide...now that's something I never expected. I thought the max he will do is forget himself in madness and start destroying everything around himself. But still, I don't think the opponents I will face in the future will have such a fragile mind that I can drive them to commit suicide.

Let's not underestimate the power of emotions. After all the most powerful jutsu in the Naruto world is Talk no jutsu. Where black Zetsu used it to incite a war while Naruto used it to unite all the villages.'

After a few seconds, Zaku bled out and fell to the ground just like his teammates. Yami wasn't sure whether the fate team Dosu faced in the canon was the worst or the one that they faced today was. Yami then proceeded to devour the 3 grass genins with his devouring law. Although it didn't provide anything notable, it was more than enough as compensation for making Yami late.

Yami sensed that a few jonins were coming in his direction. He knew that they were here to find traces of Orochimaru. Yami dispersed into bats and left the forest.

He knew that already more than enough time had passed for Gaara to clear the test so his teammates and team 7 won't have any problem completing the test.

At the tower where all those who completed the 2nd test entered, Team 7 and Team Guy just entered the tower and saw a couple of chunins and jonins standing in wait.

One of the chunins walked ahead and asked both the teams to take out the heaven and earth scroll. After confirming that both the teams have the required scrolls to complete the test, they had them go into separate rooms and open the scrolls.

In the next half an hour, a few more teams entered the tower completing the 2nd test including Team 8 and Team 10. As they all exited the tower they met their Jonin sensei. The first one to jump in and ask questions was the most enthusiastic Jonin of Konoha, Might Guy. "So tell me how did the test go? Did you meet any strong opponents?"

Lee slumped his shoulders and said "No Guy sensei...all the teams we encountered were weak. I didn't get to face even a single strong opponent. I hope I can enjoy a good fight in the next round of the exams."

Before Lee could continue talking, Neji interjected and asked "Guy sensei who completed the test first?"

Guy looked at the other jonins around him first and then back at Neji and said "Team Gaara from the hidden sand village was the one to complete the test first. They broke all previous records."

Kurenai and Kakashi glanced at Yami to see his reaction but to their surprise, Yami's expression didn't change a bit. 'I thought Yami would feel something after knowing that someone bested him but looks like he doesn't even care. Make sense though, Yami is adept in keeping his poker face intact even in difficult expressions.' Kurenai thought. Kakashi raised his eyebrows looking at Yami who as always was standing in the back quietly.

"Yami why did it take so much time for your team to complete this test?" Kakashi asked.

Karin who was transformed into Yami froze for a second. Everyone had told her the obvious questions that could be asked to Yami and how Yami is expected to answer but this question wasn't any of them.

'Don't stutter or else everyone will know you are not Yami.' Sakura prayed in her heart and the basic rule she told Karin was never to change her expression too much and say things calmly in few words.

Karin took a few seconds but then looked at Kakashi and said "It wasn't worth my time so I let Neji and Lee let loose for once."

Kakashi nodded at that while the Team 7 and Team Guy genins sighed. They were just saved from being busted by Kakashi.

"You guys go home and rest. We will meet tomorrow for our usual practice and then come back here. Tomorrow is the last day of the 2nd test. " Kakashi said and the 2 teams rushed out.

As they came outside, Naruto came close to Sasuke and asked "What do we do now?"

Sasuke looked around and said "I will take her to the Uchiha compound just as we planned. She can stay there until you can talk and convince Hokage-sama."

Just the thought of a girl staying with her Sasuke made Sakura jealous a bit but she knew that this was an urgent and also the best solution to the current problem. While talking to Karin, she did drop a couple of hints that she loves Sasuke, and luckily the one thing that she found odd was that Karin seemed to be a little interested in Lee rather than Sasuke. After talking for a few more seconds, everyone separated and went back home.

In Team 7's training ground Kakashi was sitting on a rock reading makeout tactics. While he was reading he stopped and stashed the book in his back pocket and said "You took your time."

Bats appeared in that area from different directions and the figure of Yami was formed "We have more pressing matters right now." Yami said as he slid his kimono a little enough for Kakashi to see the curse seal.


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