Yami Vs Lee Part 2

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Guy waved his hand at Kakashi and said "Don't worry Kakashi...this kid will surpass me as well." Guy wasn't worried about Lee hurting himself too much as he believed that as long as Lee continued training, he would become more robust. Kakashi shook his head, knowing it was no use arguing with his stubborn friend. In the end, Guy will do what he wants. That's how he has been since the academy days.

Kurenai, Asuma, and the others didn't say a word as they didn't know what kind of a technique it was. They all turned back to look at Lee who was crouching on one of the small hills. These hill-type structures were on both sides of the stage. Lee stood on his side while Yami stood quietly on the stage. Yami knew what Lee wanted to do and so it was no surprise for him.

Lee sat on the hill and removed the orange sock covering his weights. At first glance, many didn't understand what it was. Especially most of the genins who had never seen weights as it was too cruel of a training method.

"Are those weights?" Kankuro asked as a frown appeared on his face.

"They don't look too heavy though. Why is he making such a big spectacle of it." Temari snickered. She could see the weights weren't too big so she assumed they didn't weigh much as well.

"He was always wearing them?" Sakura asked while looking at Guy and Neji. Neji simply shrugged at her question as he had some idea of Lee using something to train but he didn't know when did Lee start using them.

"Yes to increase his physical strength, I had him wear those weights all the time. Even during missions." Guy nodded.

Lee held one belt of weights in each hand and let go of them. The weights crashed on the ground and a loud sound with 2 big mountains of sand rose from the ground. The sound was enough to make all of them widen their eyes. They could all discern how heavy each of those belts were.

'Am I still stronger than him?' A question flashed in Neji's mind. He didn't expect Lee to be so cruel to his own body.

Everyone had many questions in their mind to ask but their eyes were glued to Lee and Yami. They wanted to know what will happen next. They looked at Yami and expected him to be surprised as others but there was no change in his expressions.

Kakashi looked at Yami and thought 'Either he has a good poker face or ...' Before Kakashi could complete his thought he saw Lee disappear in a blur. Even a seasoned Shinobi like Kakashi was having a problem seeing him without his Sharingan. Others just saw Lee disappear.

The next moment Lee appeared on Yami's left side and smashed his knee toward Yami's shoulder. Yami wanted to test whether he can handle Lee's speed without his Sharingan. So he didn't activate his Sharingan yet.

Yami's instincts alerted him as he felt his hair stand on end. He tried to block the kick with his arm but he was a little late as some part of the knee still hit his shoulder making him grit a little in pain as he was pushed to the side.

'Did I underestimate his speed? No that's not possible. I just haven't gotten used to them.' Yami thought as he saw Lee disappear again. Lee instantly appeared in front of Yami and swept his leg to make Yami lose his balance. Yami jumped instinctively but this attack turned out to be a feint attack the next second Yami felt Lee's punch on his chest. Yami was already in the air when the punch connected so he couldn't put up any defense. He crashed into the hill behind him with the speed of a bullet. A loud bang was heard as he hit the hill letting everyone know how much power was condensed in that punch.

"Is Yami really losing to Lee?" Ino said in a daze and everyone looked at her even her sensei. They had never thought that Yami's own teammate will be able to beat him like him.

"No way...my brother can never lose." Sasuke quickly said but everyone could sense a little hesitation in his voice. Sasuke was fighting with his own words. He had never imagined that he would see his brother punched or kicked like this instantly.

"All of you are forgetting that he hasn't used his Sharingan as well as any chakra." Neji reminded everyone as he saw them. 2 loud sighs were heard as he said this. These sighs came from Ino and Sasuke.

At the stage, a dust cloud was created due to Lee's attack. Yami stood up from the rubble and came out from the dust cloud dusting off his clothes. 'The kick was surely strong but I felt the pain for only a few seconds. The same happened when he kicked my shoulder. I also don't feel my internal body suffering any harm. Lee is not someone who can measure and think of all this, my body truly is unnatural.' Yami thought. Everyone could see Yami's red eyes through the dust cloud.

"I made you use your Sharingan..." Lee said in happiness. He had managed to push Yami to some extent. He rushed at Yami to attack again but this time Yami could see him come towards him. Yami prepared himself and successfully blocked the attack. This happened a few more times as well. But Yami felt something wrong.

'Is my reaction time getting slower? I don't think so...Lee is getting faster...he is propelling himself' Yami came to the conclusion as he saw various spiderweb-like cracks all over the stage.

Lee propelled himself from behind Yami and aimed a punch at Yami's back but the next second he saw something that surprised him. Yami returned back and stopped the punch with his own hand and before Lee could back off to attack again, Yami kicked Lee's face throwing him at one of the walls.

"I-I made y-you use C-chakra" Lee said catching his breath.


To read 10 extra chapters go to my Patreón


Link in the synopsis as well.

I am writing a novel called 'Soul Spirit Ascension' on webnovel. Give it a read and let me know how you like it.

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