Team Kakashi

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Konoha Academy...

Every student of Class 1-A who had passed yesterday's graduation exam was sitting in the class. Sasuke. Except for Naruto, all his classmates were present.

"I think Naruto should have passed." Choji said.

"Yea he had pretty good overall strength and in spars, he ranked 2nd in our class." Kiba nodded as he said that.

Even the lazy Shikamaru who had buried his head in the table looked up and said "He couldn't pass because of the clone technique but I am sure Iruka sensei will find a way out."

Hearing this the meek Hinata who was sitting in the back looked up with hopeful eyes as well. She was sad that Naruto couldn't pass the exam but what Shikamaru just said gave her some hope.

Ino looked at Shikamaru and asked "Is that really possible?"

Shikamaru looked at Ino and said "Last year there was a student who couldn't perform any time of ninjutsu or any other chakra-related technique. He was solely fighting on Taijutsu. The academy made an exception and graduated him because just with his Taijutsu he defeated many kids who could use ninjutsu. Dad told me that sometimes if the overall strength is good enough then exceptions can be made."

Hearing this even Sakura was intrigued as she said "But I don't think anyone would want a teammate who can't use chakra. I bet that student wouldn't have gotten a good team and his chances of becoming a chunin and jonin are low. But I am sure he has good chances of becoming a Taijutsu instructor in the academy after a few years."

Everyone nodded at that. They didn't want to be mean but they knew that shinobis relied too much on chakra and being unable to use chakra was like a curse that doomed you in this world. They were just being practical.

Shikamaru just shrugged at that as his father didn't tell him what happened to the student after he graduated. He also agreed that maybe what Sakura said would have been the case and the student was just dumped into a no-name team to be forgotten.

While everyone was silently thinking Sasuke who was looking out of the window turned to the side facing his classmates and said "Naruto doesn't have the problem of not being able to use chakra. It is actually the opposite."

Everyone looked at Sasuke and then Sakura asked "Huh? What do you mean Sasuke?"

Sasuke looked at the pink-haired girl and said "I have read that the Uzumaki clan members are born with a high amount of chakra capacity which is why he has a problem in controlling it when they are young. This means the reason naruto can't make a clone isn't lack of chakra but excess of it. Naruto will learn to control it as time passes and the academy knows it so maybe they will pass him."

Many were shocked to hear what Sasuke just said. Their parents never told them anything about the Uzumaki clan because the only one alive known to them was Naruto and all they could think about when they talk about him is the nine-tails fox.

Choji who was munching on some wafers was the first one to say "That means when he grows older and learns to control his overall strength may take a big leap."

Shikamaru just hummed at that and Ino said "The big leap wouldn't be an understatement. He can practically use more jutsus than normal shinobis and even last more time in a fight."

Sakura was going to say something when Sasuke suddenly said "And about the student, Shikamaru just talked about..."

Everyone's ears perked at this and they looked at Sasuke for an answer. Even Shikamaru was interested in knowing what happened to that student.

"Sasuke you know what happened to that student? Which team did he go in?" Sakura asked.

"He is on my brother's team. His name is Rock Lee. And their sensei is a Jonin instructor who is also a Taijutsu specialist." Sasuke said.

"Wow, that means he still has high hopes of becoming a chunin and then a Jonin." Kiba said.

The door of the classroom opened and Naruto walked in. He wore the leaf Shinobi headband. Behind him was Iruka who was also the homeroom teacher of this class.

Seeing Naruto everyone was a little shocked Choji asked "Naruto what are you doing here?"

Naruto gave a big smile and pointed toward his headband and said "Iruka sensei graduated me. See now I am a hidden leaf Shinobi."

Everyone thought that the academy must have made an exception for Naruto just like Rock lee. No one, not even Sasuke knew that Naruto had successfully created 1000 shadow clones the night before.

"Everyone settle down first. Congrats on graduating and becoming Shinobis of the hidden world." Iruka said and the entire class was full of smiles and cheers.

"Now I will announce your 3-member squad and also the name of your jonin instructor.

Team 10

Ino Yamanaka, Choji Akamichi, Shikamaru Nara.

Jonin Instructor- Asuma Sarutobi.

Team 8

Kiba Inuzuka, Shino Aburame, Hinata Hyuga.

Jonin Instructor- Kurenai Yuhi.

Team 7

Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, Naruto Uzumaki.

Jonin Instructor- Kakashi Hatake.




Iruka kept announcing the squads of the rest of the class as well. Sakura was excited that she and Sasuke were on the same squad while Naruto was excited that he and Sakura were on the same squad.

"Now all of you wait here till your jonin instructor comes to pick you up." Iruka said and he left the class.

"Haha...Sasuke we both are in the same team." Naruto said while standing in front of Sasuke.

Sasuke looked at him and snorted and then said "Don't drag me down Naruto or else I will go ahead."

"Just you wait...I will surpass you." Naruto said while clenching his fists with a face full of excitement.

Sakura looked at Naruto and said "Stop being noisy Naruto." she then looked at Sasuke and asked "Sasuke I have never heard of our Jonin instructor. Do you know anything about him?"

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