Furious Grandpa

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Hearing what Hiruzen just asked Guy gave a big smile and said "Hokage sama my students are more than ready for it. I know that they can easily become chunin now."

Normally when a jonin instructor would say such words then everyone would think that it's obvious for an instructor to have such confidence in his/her students but when Guy said it everyone present in the office thought of his students.

'Yami, Neji, and Lee all three are strong enough to single handily take down a genin squad. My squad is filled with lazy asses.' Asuma thought as he looked at Guy.

Hiruzen nodded and then looked at Kakashi, Asuma and Kurenai.

"What about the three of you? Would you like to enter your squad in the chunin exams as well?"

All three of them nodded. Unlike in the canon, Iruka didn't intervene this time. He had seen Naruto and Sasuke spar on multiple occasions so he knew that Naruto could handle himself and his squad in the chunin exams.

"I have already started training my squad for the chunin exams." Kurenai said proudly.

"After that spar with Yami, my students have also started training with renowned vigor." Asuma said. He did see a big change in his students after Yami gave them a beatdown. All three of his students had stepped up their practice in training their clan's jutsus.

Kakashi and Guy had a confused expressions when they heard this. Kakashi quickly asked

"When did Yami spar with your students and why?" According to Kakashi Yami wouldn't do anything without a good reason and there wasn't any debate as to who is stronger between Yami and the other genins so why would Yami even entertain the idea of a spar with newly graduated genins?

Asuma explained to them what happened before and during the fight. Nothing surprised Kakashi and Guy as they already knew how strong Yami was.

"I'd say he went really easy on them." Kakashi said to which Guy smirked.

"Ya, we know that already. All the injuries faced by our students were cured in a single hospital visit. In my team, the one who has been motivated the most is Kiba Inuzuka. Yami literally toyed with him and his dog so he started going to the mountain behind the village to train every day. Shino Aburame is also giving some attention to Taijutsu instead of being completely dependent on his clan's bug jutsus." Kurenai said. She had seen a massive improvement in the morale of her two students. Hinata was also training more than before but her timid personality limited her in every way. Hinata did say that her little sister Hanabi has stepped up her training and is going full throttle.

Guy looked at Asuma and Kurenai and said " Yami won't go easy on them during the chunin exams."

Asuma sighed and said "I wish he doesn't appear in front of my students in the chunin exams or they won't stand a chance. They are improving but not enough to defeat a monster like Yami. Ino was a bit shaken up from having her consciousness transferred to a dog but she is doing good. Inochi is happy that her daughter is spending time with him training but he doesn't like the motivation."

Kurenai chuckled as she said "That's obvious. Ino is his princess and Yami is the one taking her away from him. Every father will react that way."

Asuma and Kurenai looked at each other for a second and suddenly looked away. Everyone noticed that but didn't say anything except Kakashi who had the habit of teasing these two.

"Are we still talking about Ino, Kurenai?" Kakashi asked.

A slight blush appeared on her face when she heard that but she didn't say anything.

*cough**cough "So these are the forms you must have your students fill." Hiruzen said as he placed a bunch of forms on the table. Everyone instantly straightened their back. For a minute they all forgot that they were in front of the Hokage. All 4 of them picked up the forms and left the room.

After they left Hiruzen looked at Iruka and asked "Have the genin teams from the other villages arrived?"

Iruka nodded and said "Yes almost everyone has arrived except the team from the hidden sand. They will arrive tonight or tomorrow morning. Shikaku is busy arranging things with Aoba."

Hiruzen nodded after he heard that things were going smoothly. He had an odd feeling for the past few days and his best friend Danzo was also quiet for the past week or two. He didn't arrange meetings and when Hiruzen went to meet him, Danzo sounded angry and irritated as if someone had taken a toy from a kid.


Hyuga Patriarch Residence.

The current Patriarch of the Hyuga clan, Hiashi Hyuga was sitting in a big hall with the clan's elder who was also his father. They both were drinking tea quietly when someone knocked on the door.

Hiashi looked at the door and said "What is it?"

The person on the other side of the door said "Neji Hyuga is here and he requests to meet the Patriarch and the elder personally."

Hiashi looked at his father and asked "Looks like he returned from his mission. But why is he here all of a sudden?"

Elder took a deep breath and said "He must be here to ask for a new jutsu." The elder had some remorse for what was happening to Neji. With his talent and strong kekkai Genkai he could easily become the next patriarch but he was the son of Hizashi who isn't of the main clan.

Hiashi looked at the door and said "Let him in."

The figure outside didn't say anything and a few seconds later the door opened. Neji who had his travel bag with him entered the hall. Hiashi and his father noticed this but didn't say anything.

Neji bowed and then sat down across the table from them. He then looked at his Grandpa who had a serious expression and then toward Hiashi.

"There is something I wanted to ask you about?" Neji said.

"What is it?" Hiashi asked.

"Is it true that you and grandpa killed my father as a scapegoat?" Neji asked. He knew that this question could get him killed but he had heard such rumors all over the branch clan so he had no option other than to ask the Patriarch directly or else just keep piling up the anger that he was doing in the past few years.

"HOW DARE YOU?" The elder shouted as he activated his Byakugan.


To read 10 extra chapters go to my Patreón


Link in the synopsis as well.

I am also writing a novel called 'Soul Spirit Ascension' so please give it a read and shower some of those powerstones.

Discord link in synopsis

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