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Tsunade shook her head and said "This won't do Yami. I know that you like to do things solo and Guy might have let you do things that way but now you are a jonin and you should work together. We have 10 spies in total and most of them have families here so I don't know why you can't trust them. If you are going then I will have to inform them or else they will think the higher-ups are just ignoring their reports."

Yami thought for a few seconds and a smile appeared on his face as he said "Alright I will contact them but do me one favor. Let them know about my departure a week later."

"I don't like that look you have on your face right now brat. But still, I can accept this. A week later they will be informed of your arrival and mission. 2 of the people there are jonins while the other 8 are chunins so they will be useful in order to fight. The biggest worry is the Tsuchikage supplying the 4th Mizukage's faction with people and supplies."

Yami nodded and said "I will keep you posted about the things happening there. I will take my leave if there isn't anything else."

"Yami firstly I don't like giving a mission like this to a kid of your age. But the only way for things to go our way and we don't face any blowback from this, we need a strong genjutsu user to lead this. If things get out of hand then forget the mission and just come back. And lastly, we wanted to make Sasuke a chunin as well but Kakashi thought it wouldn't be the right move so we have kept it on hold. He will be made one for sure six months later." Tsunade said with a slight softness in her voice. She didn't wish to send a kid to her death. It didn't matter to her what the consequences would be as long as Yami returned safely.

Yami nodded and left the Hokage office. He sensed that everyone that had come with him had left the building so luckily no one would be asking Yami what Lady Tsunade wanted to talk about.

As Yami reached home he saw Sasuke cooking. Hearing Yamis footsteps inside the house Sasuke said "Your meeting with Lady Tsunade took longer than I anticipated. What was it about?"

Sasuke hadn't turned back to look at Yami and was busy cooking. "Look back and you will understand." Yami said which made Sasuke turn back and walk forward in excitement "You were made chunin. Well, you did win the competition afterall but I thought that they would nullify the entire competition because of the invasion."

Yami felt a little bad that his elder brother was being so supportive in spite of being a genin himself. Sasuke quickly recognized that expression of pity on Yami's face and patted his shoulder and said "I know what you are thinking but Kakashi sensei said I am already at chunin level but I should try to win the next competition which only has 5 months left now. And I agree with him...I don't want a free win and become a chunin...I want to win it with my own merit."

Yami gave an embarrassed smile and said "Actually I was made Jonin." The smile and confidence on Sasuke's face instantly shattered and he looked at Yami with deadpan eyes " I am jealous. You get less pork today." Sasuke said and went back to cooking.

"I will leave for a solo mission in an hour." Yami said. Sasuke didn't turn back and said "I guess as a Jonin you will have to do solo missions when the time arises. Alright, you go and pack your stuff while I finish cooking."

"Sasuke" Yami said in a low tone as he realized Sasuke's voice broke a little in the end while talking.

"Just cutting onions Yami...Take care." Sasuke said.

Yami knew Sasuke doesn't like to be seen as weak like this so he didn't say anything and went to his room. 'I will become stronger and protect you Yami...I promise to be stronger when you come back from your mission.' Sasuke thought as he wiped the tears streaming down his cheek.

Yami packed all his stuff and had a good meal with Sasuke as Sasuke had said Yami got only a few pieces of pork on his plate. Yami left the house shortly after and as always he dispersed into bats right at the front door of his house.


Land of Lightning

Raikage office in the hidden cloud village.

A who was the current Raikage was sitting at one end of a big round table with the elders and killer Bee sitting around him. They all had grim expressions on their face as if something bad had happened.

A looked at the people and said "How many meetings are going to go like this? Is our intelligence division this useless?"

A didn't shout or scream but everyone knew that the anger was piling up and it could blow up any moment. The young and the middle-aged people sitting at the table looked at the old people as A would only listen to them silently. A being the Raikage respected them and wouldn't go nuts if the old people said something he wouldn't agree with.

One of the old men sighed and said "A we understand your anger and we agree that the intelligence division has failed repeatedly in the past year but now the only way is to think ahead."

"How many more failures are we supposed to let go elder? Firstly it was about our men in the valley that went missing and after that the ones we sent also got themselves killed. Darui along with his team managed to escape those black-robed men. They couldn't even get any evidence as to who they were." A said as he gave an angry glance to Darui standing at the side.


To read 19 extra chapters go to my Patreón

Link in the synopsis as well.

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