Yami Vs Lee Part 3

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"That you did" Yami said and it was a compliment to Lee. Lee's ambition for this match was to defeat Yami but he knew he had to overcome a couple of milestones like making Yami use his Sharingan, then chakra, and lastly his sword. That's when he could say that he made Yami go all out. Even the people on the railings looked at Lee with an appreciative gaze. They knew what he did wasn't any less than a commendable feat.

"He really forced Yami to use chakra." Naruto said in an excited tone. During his mission, he developed quite a good friendship with Lee as they both were talkative and had bubbly personalities. On the other hand, Naruto saw Yami as a rival just like his brother Sasuke.

"Lightning will increase his movement speed and to keep up with Lee's speed Yami had to use chakra." Asuma said. He had fought a few Kumo ninjas in the past and he knew that they used lightning chakra to boost their speed.

"Is that the only thing you noticed Asuma?" Kurenai asked with a smirk. Asuma looked back at both the participants and after a few seconds he nodded in realization as he looked at Kurenai and said "It was so simple and still I didn't notice such a big thing."

"What are you talking about sensei?" Shikamaru asked. Even though he appeared to be uninterested in this match, he was focused on every aspect of this match. He hadn't seen such a fight yet as he was too young to get involved in such strong and brutal fights.

Asuma pointed at Lee and said "Look at lee. He has blood coming out of his mouth just after one kick from Yami. On the other hand, Yami doesn't seem to have a single injury. Only his clothes look a little dirty. Now we all saw that Lee kicked and punched Yami multiple times but Yami only attacked once."

Everyone looked at Lee and Yami and noticed that what Asuma just pointed out was indeed true. 'His body is unusually sturdy. I never noticed this fact.' Kakashi thought as he massaged his chin.

Back at the stage, Lee stood up and came out of the rubble wiping the blood from his mouth and stretching his shoulders. The attack from Yami really did a number on him and it also caught him off guard. He took his usual fighting stance and was about to disappear with his speed but he saw Yami disappear before him. He decided it was better to move as well and looked at his left and was about to turn and propel himself but then he heard a light crackle on his right side. Before he could turn his head to the right, his vision blurred and the next moment he felt pain in his left shoulder, and a loud boom was heard. All the people saw was Yami disappearing and the next moment and blue light on Lee's right side and Lee was thrown at the wall.

"Ughh...you really surpassed my speed. I didn't think lightning chakra would be such a big boost." Lee said as he stood up tumbling on the rubble a little. He looked at his shoulder which had hit the wall and saw it was dislocated. The genins wanted to ask how Lee would fight with one dislocated shoulder but the next second Lee slapped his own shoulder and fixed it back into the socket.

"That must have been painful." Choji said as he made an ugly face. He couldn't deny that what Lee did just now wasn't just painful but also cool. "He seems to be adept in doing this as if things like this happen regularly during training." Kakashi said while glaring at Guy who just laughed embarrassedly "hehe...no pain no gain Kakashi. I think the thing I have been waiting for will happen soon."

Everyone's eyes locked on the blurry figure of Lee that was coming out. They didn't want to miss a single thing about the technique Guy and Kakashi have been talking about for the past few minutes. Lee came out of the dust cloud and spread his legs a little to take a firm stance. He looked at Yami with a serious expression and said "Yami you have pushed me to surpass my limits and I won't disappoint you on that. I will now use the technique passed to me by Guy sensei...the eight gates"

Aaaaa First gate...The Gate of Opening...OPEN

Lee screamed and his hair stood up and the air around him also started becoming turbulent. He also clenched his fists firmly. Everyone in the hall was surprised as they saw this. They had never heard of something like this. The chunins and jonins in the tower could feel Lee's strength had increased.

"W-What is this?" Kurenai asked. She had read many books but she hadn't read about anything like this ever. She couldn't even point as to how Lee's strength increased to such an extent.

"What is this technique Guy? Kakashi tell us something?" Asuma urged. Even the people around him had the same questions.

"This technique is called the eight gates. The Eight Gate are eight specific points on a person's Chakra Pathway System. They limit the overall flow of chakra within a person's body. The basis for the idea of the chakra gates comes from the body's limits on the functions within it. This makes the body much weaker, but it keeps the body from expiring too soon. By undergoing intense training, one can learn how to open these gates allowing the user to surpass their own physical limits." Guy explained to everyone.

"I never thought that chakra pathways could be exploited in such a way."Kurenai said as she looked at Lee.

"I AM NOT DONE YET....Aaaaaa The Gate of Healing OPEN" Lee screamed and his strength increased again and the nerves started showing all over his body.

Kakashi looked at Guy and asked "Guy how many gates can this kid open?"


To read 10 extra chapters go to my Patreón


Link in the synopsis as well.

I am writing a novel called 'Soul Spirit Ascension' on webnovel. Give it a read and let me know how you like it.

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