The Terrified Elders

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Hi Everyone. One of the readers 'Joao132135' has made a pic of Yami with devouring law eyes. He has his own original fanfics on webnovel as well so check it out too.

[Photo of Yami with devouring law eyes]

[Photo of Yami with devouring law eyes]

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The black eye with the devouring law tattoo on it was not something the elders had seen or heard about before nor did they expect this. They quickly realized that they had been trapped in a genjutsu and they had spilled all the secrets surrounding the Uchiha massacre. They thought that the black eye was also a part of genjutsu.

"YOU BRAT...I will kill you." Koharu struggled to free herself from the genjutsu and with her and Homura's combined efforts they were able to break the genjutsu. Yami had also gotten everything he wanted from them so he didn't bother maintaining the genjutsu.

"What you are doing is you want to die like your clan members died? Like your parents died?" Homura said as he grit his teeth. He wanted to scare Yami into releasing them. Their hatred for the 9-year-old in front of them was increasing every passing minute.

"Untie me and I will punish you properly." Koharu the old woman tried to lunge at Yami but she couldn't.

"Let's free you from one of the entanglements." Yami said which made Koharu grin. This is what she wanted. Yami to become overconfident and make one small mistake so that she could get her hands on the brat. What happened next made her shiver in horror. Yami pulled out his sword and slashed it toward her arm.


"Arghhh" Koharu screamed as her arm was separated from her shoulder. Blood splattered on Homura's face and clothes who was tied to the side. While Koharu was wailing in pain, Yami who now had a couple of drops of blood on his face looked at Homura and said "Do you want to be freed from your entanglements as well?"

Homura's body turned cold as he heard those words. He couldn't fathom the agony Koharu was going through right now. He didn't want to experience this pain as just seeing it was painful. He was someone who had fought in the war and had seen plenty of bloodshed but killing a person in a fight and torturing are two different things.

His eyes with previously had anger and hope now looked helpless as he said in a dry and low voice "K-Kill m-me"

'Torturing them would be more fun but I don't have much time. I will be asked later where I was and when that happens if my time of disappearance is more than I could become a suspect.' Yami thought. He had hated these 2 old foggies even when he watched the anime. There wouldn't be any better chance to make them suffer but unfortunately, he didn't have the luxury of time to do all this.

Yami waved his sword and in one swift motion and beheaded the two elders. Yami was about to use devouring law to devour the bodies as he didn't intend to send any kind of message or warning by making their deaths a show. He looked around and he wanted to devour the corpses of the root shinobis as well. But then he felt that he could see something glowing slightly in their chests. But he could see that only through one of his eyes. Precisely the one which was black in color. Yami then reached out his hand without activating his devouring law and a black orb made of glass came out of their chests. It was glowing dimly.

'Is this his soul?' Yami thought. He didn't know what to do with it. As the orb came into Yami's grasp, black wisps came out from his palm and entered the center of the orb. Yami could see a small glow traveling from the orb to his body through those black wisps. In a few seconds, even the dim glow from the orb was gone and the orb dissipated into the air. Yami understood that his body had sucked in whatever that glowing thing was. Even though it was glowing, Yami felt that it was ominous. He then looked around and saw the chests of the root shinobis had the same glow. He did the same thing with Koharu and the others inside the house. He felt something change in him but couldn't point at what.

'I don't know what absorbing those lights which I think are souls would do anything good to me. I will check that later. It has not caused any kind of physical changes.' Yami thought as he looked at his body. He didn't feel any increase in his physical strength or his chakra. He was about to devour the bodies as well but then he heard footsteps coming his way. He used his enhanced vision and saw Mako running inside.

"We need to leave. Anbus are coming to check. Let the bodies of the root shinobis and elders stay here. I have not used any techniques of our village and the poison in their body is also one that sand shinobis use." Mako said as he looked at Yami and then glanced at the headless elders. He looked at the severed head of the elders laying in the pool of blood.

'Their face shows fear and despair. What did this kid do? Looks like Danzo sama chose him for a reason.' Mako thought.

'I should have devoured them while taking their soul. Now so much good nutrition has gone to waste...tsk' Yami thought. He nodded at Yami and left the house. He then spread into multiple crows and disappeared. He heard some sounds of people fighting and started to go closer. It seemed like the leaf shinobis were chasing someone. He had his crows spread out and search for the enemy. He thought it must have been some stray intruder who was now running for his life. After searching for a minute or two, he found the intruder and was shocked to see who it was.

Yami appeared on the rooftop of one of the houses and looked at the intruder running with someone on his shoulder.

Yami took out a kunai, covered it in wind chakra, and threw it ahead of the intruder. As the kunai hit the wall to the side of the intruder it made a huge sound. The intruder stopped to look in the direction from where the kunai came from.

Yami smiled and said "I didn't know you changed your profession...Kabuto."


To read 10 extra chapters go to my Patreón

Link in the synopsis as well.

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