Kabuto's Info Cards

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Link in the synopsis as well.


As Dosu said this, he and the girl beside him made their way toward Naruto. Kabuto stood between Dosu and Naruto and said "Calm down guys...this isn't the right place to fight."

Dosu was quite annoyed by Kabuto so he sneered and said "You better get out of my way 4 eyes or else I will have to make you."

Kabuto chuckled and said "I am not as weak as I look."

"But you just said you failed the chunin exams several times." Naruto muttered.

From the side, Yami along with his team, and Gaara along with his team were observing. They didn't want to interfere in such minor scuffles.

'As far as I remember, the scuffle between Kabuto and the sound shinobis should have happened after he revealed some info about the participants and the hidden sound village. Things have started to change even without my intervention. Only time will tell whether this is good or bad.' Yami thought while seeing the sound ninjas were running around the room waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Dosu's last teammate had also joined in by now. Kabuto kept looking at different places in the room. He was trying to figure out where the attack will come from.

The third teammate Zaku took out 2 kunai from his pocket and threw them toward Kabuto. The speed wasn't much but suddenly a punch of air came out from Zaku's palm. This air increased the speed of the kunai twofold. Kabuto quickly jumped sideways to dodge the kunai. He easily escaped one of the kunais but the 2nd one tore through the ending of his clothes.

Zaku grinned as he saw that. He knew that if he throws more such kunai then he is sure to hit Kabuto. Dosu appeared in front of kabuto and threw a punch. Kabuto stumbled back two steps but he was successful in avoiding the punch.

'That metal thing on his arms...what is that?' Neji thought as he saw Dosu throw the punch.

Dosu's hands vibrated and he threw a few more punches. Kabuto dodged almost all of the punches but the last one gazed his glasses which shattered them.

"Is this the best the sound village has to offer?" Kabuto chuckled but the next minute he felt nauseous. He quickly spat some blood and kneeled down.

"Huh? What's happening?" Naruto asked and everyone around him was wondering the same thing. Using sound to do damage was an extremely rare thing and most genins didn't even know this technique existed.

Naruto's team and the other two teams rushed to help Kabuto up. Sasuke who a few minutes ago was also wondering how Dosu inflicted internal damage onto Kabuto, had understood that Dosu was using sound.

Dosu looked at Naruto who was helping Kabuto. His original target was Naruto because of the provocative words. He took a step forward but then his female teammate Kin stopped him.

"Let it be Dosu. We will get many chances during the exam to fight with him. Let's go for now." Kin said.

Dosu looked at Zaku who nodded. "Fine... let's go but I will take care of this yellow-haired kid myself." Dosu said as he walked away with his team.

Sakura asked Kabuto "Are you alright? Should we call a medical team?"

Kabuto shook his head and said "No..no need. They are proficient in sound techniques and I should have anticipated that attack. Dosu really is as short-tempered as I have heard."

"How do you know so much about him ?" Kiba asked.

"Collecting information about other participants is what I do. I sell information about other participants before the chunin exams so that they don't get caught off guard while fighting. Today is the day of the exam so the information is free. You guys can ask anything you want to."

"Umm...show me Naruto's card." Kiba said.

Naruto was also excited to see what was written in his card so he looked at Kabuto and nodded. Kabuto took out a deck of cards from his pocket. After shuffling through a couple of cards he selected a card. He put the rest of the deck aside and placed the card on the ground.

"Eh?...this card is blank." Sakura said as she saw that the face side of the card was blank.

"Hehe...I have used a little trick to hide the info that is on the cards." Kabuto said. He did some hand seals and touched the card with his pointer finger. A small gust of air spread on all 4 sides under the card and information started appearing on the card.

"Let me see." Kiba said as he picked up the card.

"Naruto Uzumaki.

Age: 12

Missions: 6-D rank

1-B rank

Best jutsu: Shadow clone jutsu.

Chakra affinity: Unknown."

Ino who was quiet the whole time looked at the card and then at Sakura and asked "When did you guys go for a B-rank mission? And why would the village send a new squad to such a mission. Dad said genins are only allowed D and C ranked missions."

Sakura had a proud expression hearing that as she said "Ino pig, we didn't get perform a B-ranked mission but also completed it."

Ino wanted to rebuke but Shikamaru stopped her " Ino the village rarely gives a genin squad B-rank mission but its impossible for them to give it to a squad who has just graduated. They must have gone for a D or C ranked mission and due to increase in difficulty the village must have promoted it to a B-rank mission.

"Show me the card of Gaara of the Sand." Sasuke said. He had heard about Gaara from his brother but he still wanted to know how big of an opponent this Gaara is.

Kabuto raised his eyebrows as he heard that. He had some idea of how strong Gaara is. He is one of the strongest participants in this chunin exams and Sasuke seemed to have taken him as an opponent.

Kabuto crouched again and placed another blank card on the ground. After a few hand seals Gaara's info was displayed on the card. Everyone's eyes widened as they saw this. Even Yami who was far from this had a frown on his face.


To read 10 extra chapters go to my Patreón


Link in the synopsis as well.

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